Pyth Network is a high-frequency oracle leveraging Solana’s technology, offering a robust solution for off-chain data sharing for primarily decentralized finance applications (DeFi). It provides services like real-time price feeds and benchmarks, accessible to a wide range of financial service providers.
What are Oracles?
Blockchains in and of themselves are useful already, for trustless and permissionless transactions without censorship. No trust or verification from the user is required because it is stored on a decentralised ledger with global consensus. What if certain transactions require reliable and real-time data from external sources that do not necessarily have a global consensus or can be stored on the same ledger? For example:
• Products that rely on price feeds of assets from other blockchains or real-world markets: Many decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, like decentralized exchanges or lending platforms, need accurate and timely information about asset prices (e.g., stocks, cryptocurrencies, commodities). Since these prices are continuously changing in real-world markets, blockchains need a way to securely access this off-chain data.
• Products that require verifiable and secure random numbers: Randomness is crucial for a variety of blockchain use cases, such as lotteries, gaming, and even secure cryptographic protocols. However, generating truly random numbers on-chain is challenging without introducing bias or predictability. Off-chain randomness, when provided by a reliable source, is often needed.
• Products dependent on historical price data: Some DeFi platforms and financial products might need access to archived price data for risk assessment, backtesting trading strategies, or offering historical analysis. Since blockchains primarily focus on storing current state information, they need external sources to provide this historical data efficiently.
To address these challenges, Oracles were introduced. Oracles serve as bridges between blockchains and the external world, providing smart contracts with access to off-chain data. They connect external data providers—such as market data owners, web APIs, or IoT devices—to decentralized applications across multiple blockchains. Oracles enable these applications to securely and reliably obtain real-time data, execute transactions based on external events, and interact with data that cannot be directly stored on-chain.
Why can this data be trusted?
Oracles provide a robust mechanism for ensuring the integrity and reliability of off-chain data before it is used on the blockchain. An oracle network verifies the:
• Authenticity: To ensure that the data is genuine and comes from a legitimate source, oracle networks source data from multiple trusted providers or verifiable APIs. This process reduces the risk of malicious or false information being introduced into smart contracts.
• Accuracy: Accurate data is crucial for smart contracts to function correctly. Oracles achieve this by aggregating data from several independent sources. Instead of relying on a single provider, an oracle network will query multiple data sources and compare their responses.
• Reliability: Oracle networks enhance reliability by using decentralized nodes, which increases resilience against failures or malicious activity. If one data source or node fails or provides incorrect information, the other nodes in the network can continue to operate and provide valid data.
Source: VanEck Research
The demand for accurate and reliable off-chain data is growing as the number of real-world use-cases and adoption of blockchain increases. Users of applications are more than willing to pay for an oracle service that is accurate and reliable and covers a large variety of use-cases.
Pyth Network versus Other Oracles
Read the blog post of Battle of the Oracles to learn more about the different oracles solutions. To recap, Pyth Network is a high-frequency oracle leveraging Solana’s technology, offering a robust solution for off-chain data sharing for primarily decentralized finance applications (DeFi). It provides services like real-time price feeds and benchmarks, accessible to a wide range of financial service providers. PYTH is the governance token and utility token of the Pyth Network. Supply and demand for the PYTH token is directly related to level of usage and total demand of Pyth’s services and Pyth Network’s Tokenomics.
Total Value Secured by Oracles
Source: Defillama. Data as of 19/08/2024. Historical performance is no guarantee for future results. This should not be understood as financial advice for any of the digital assets mentioned in the figure.
While Chainlink holds the lion’s share of the total value secured by oracles, Pyth has shown by far the largest growth in terms of TVS, number of protocols supported and number of DApps. Pyth is expanding rapidly, across different networks and protocols, supporting more DApps, data providers and integration partners every day. In the same time frame, Chainlink’s marketshare has decreased. Comparing the main metrics of MCAP/TVS ratio and MCAP/TTV ratio, we notice that based on market capitalization (circulating supply), Pyth is undervalued whereas the TVS ratio based on fully diluted value paints a different picture. This is because only 37% of PYTH tokens are unlocked, the next significant PYTH token unlock takes place in May of 2025 and happens yearly thereafter on the same date until the full amount of tokens has been unlocked by 2027.
Source: Defillama, Coingecko, data as of 05/11/2024. Historic performance is not a guarantee for future results. This should not be understood as investment advice for any of the digital assets mentioned in the table above.
Pyth’s Unique Advantages
Source: Pyth, Data as of 19/08/2024. This should not be understood as investment advice for any of the digital assets mentioned in the table above.
Use-cases Enabled by Pyth
Products and Services
• Price Feeds: real-time market data for smart contracts, blockchains, and applications
• Benchmarks: historical market data for smart contracts, blockchains, and applications
• Express Relay: smart contracts or protocols that need protection against MEV (Express Relay)
• Express Relay is one of a kind product that offers developers to auction off valuable transactions directly to MEV searchers without validator interference
• Entropy: smart contracts that require secure on-chain random numbers. Secure and verifiable random numbers are incredibly important for creating a fair and unpredictable on-chain actions (e.g., for games)
• Pyth DAO Governance model
• Decentralised Exchanges (DEXs) require reliable real-time price feeds to provide users accurate trades.
• Pyth’s data pull model provides data directly from the source, such as exchanges, market makers or DeFi protocols. Because data is pulled only on demand and not pushed at a given interval, it scales efficiently, and costs are offloaded to users where updates are demand-based.
Pyth Network Governance
The Pyth Network operates a decentralized governance system that empowers the community by allowing all PYTH token holders to have a direct say in the network’s development and decision-making processes. This decentralized governance model ensures that control of the network is distributed among its users, promoting transparency and inclusion.
To participate in governance, token holders must stake their PYTH tokens through the Pyth staking program. By staking their tokens, users gain the ability to vote on community governance proposals, ensuring that they have a voice in the key decisions shaping the future of the Pyth Network.
In addition to voting, any PYTH token holder has the right to submit proposals to the Pyth DAO, provided they meet the requirement of holding and staking at least 0.25% of the total PYTH tokens staked. The proposals that can be brought to the DAO are diverse and impact many critical aspects of the network’s functionality, including:
• Determining the size of update fees: Proposals can influence the fees charged for updates to the network, ensuring that they remain fair and competitive.
• Reward distribution mechanisms for publishers: The community can vote on how rewards are allocated to data publishers, ensuring that those contributing accurate and reliable data are fairly compensated.
• Approving software updates across blockchains: The Pyth Network operates across multiple blockchains, and governance participants have the power to approve essential updates to on-chain programs, ensuring the network remains up to date and secure.
• Listing price feeds and determining their reference data: Token holders can vote on which price feeds are listed on Pyth, as well as set the technical parameters for these feeds, such as the number of decimal places in the prices and the reference exchanges used to determine the data.
• Selecting data publishers: The governance system allows the community to permission publishers, or select which entities are allowed to provide data for each price feed. This ensures that only trusted and verified data sources are contributing to the network.
This is not financial research but the opinion of the author of the article. We publish this information to inform and educate about recent market developments and technological updates, not to give any recommendation for certain products or projects. The selection of articles should therefore not be understood as financial advice or recommendation for any specific product and/or digital asset. We may occasionally include analysis of past market, network performance expectations and/or on-chain performance. Historical performance is not indicative for future returns.
Important information
For informational and advertising purposes only.
This information originates from VanEck (Europe) GmbH, Kreuznacher Strasse 30, 60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany and VanEck Switzerland AG, Genferstrasse 21, 8002 Zurich, Switzerland. This information is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as investment, legal or tax advice. VanEck assumes no liability with regards to any investment, divestment or retention decision taken by the investor on the basis of this information. Views and opinions expressed are current as of the date of this information and are subject to change with market conditions. Certain statements contained herein may constitute projections, forecasts and other forward looking statements, which do not reflect actual results.
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Sedan i onsdags har fem aktiva ETFer från J.P. Morgan kunnat handlas på Xetra och Börse Frankfurt.
JPM Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond Active UCITSETF investerar i räntebärande värdepapper utgivna av regeringar, deras statliga myndigheter eller företag från tillväxtmarknader. Minst 67 procent av obligationerna är denominerade i lokal valuta. Investeringsförvaltningen hanterar aktivt valutarisken i delfonden.
Denna ETF erbjuds i andelsklassen ackumulerande och distribuerande.
JPM Global Emerging Markets Research Enhanced Index Equity SRI Paris Aligned Active UCITSETF, tillgänglig i tre andelsklasser, erbjuder investerare tillgång till en portfölj av företag från tillväxtmarknader, i linje med målen i Paris klimatavtal. Investeringsförvaltningen eftersträvar en grundläggande nedifrån och upp-strategi för aktieurval och tillämpar den förbättrade metoden för viktning av enskilda aktier. Företag med störst potential för prestationer över genomsnittet är överviktade. Värdepapper som anses vara de mest övervärderade är underviktade.
Produktutbudet i Deutsche Börses XTF-segment omfattar för närvarande totalt 2 376 ETFer. Med detta urval och en genomsnittlig månatlig handelsvolym på cirka 18 miljarder euro är Xetra den ledande handelsplatsen för ETFer i Europa.
iShares iBonds Dec 2027 Term USD Corporate UCITSETF USD (Acc) (CEBK ETF) med ISIN IE000I1D7D10, strävar efter att spåra Bloomberg MSCI December 2027 Maturity USD Corporate ESG Screened index. Bloomberg MSCI December 2027 Maturity USD Corporate ESG Screened-index spårar företagsobligationer denominerade i amerikanska dollar. Indexet speglar inte ett konstant löptidsintervall (som är fallet med de flesta andra obligationsindex). Istället ingår endast obligationer som förfaller under det angivna året (här: 2027) i indexet. Indexet består av ESG (environmental, social and governance) screenade företagsobligationer. Betyg: Investment Grade. Löptid: december 2027 (Denna ETF kommer att stängas efteråt).
Den börshandlade fondens TER (total cost ratio) uppgår till 0,12% p.a. iShares iBonds Dec 2027 Term USD Corporate UCITSETF USD (Acc) är den enda ETF som följer Bloomberg MSCI December 2027 Maturity USD Corporate ESG Screened index. ETFen replikerar det underliggande indexets prestanda genom samplingsteknik (köper ett urval av de mest relevanta indexbeståndsdelarna). Ränteintäkterna (kupongerna) i ETFen ackumuleras och återinvesteras.
iShares iBonds Dec 2027 Term USD Corporate UCITSETF USD (Acc) har tillgångar på 156 miljoner euro under förvaltning. Denna ETF lanserades den 6 september 2023 och har sin hemvist i Irland.
Varför CEBK?
Ger exponering mot företagsobligationer denominerade i US-dollar med fast ränta som förfaller mellan 01/01/2027 och 15/12/2027.
Det är en investeringsperiod i fonden att andelsägare den 31/12/2027 kommer att få sina andelar inlösta utan ytterligare meddelande eller aktieägarnas godkännande den 01/01/2028.
Tillämpar skärmar som exkluderar emittenter som är involverade i följande affärsområden/aktiviteter: tobaksproduktion, kärnvapen, civil skjutvapenproduktion och kontroversiella vapen, termiskt kol, generering av termiskt kol, oljesand, konventionella vapen och vapensystem/komponenter/stödsystem /tjänster.
Fonden strävar efter att uppnå avkastning på din investering, genom en kombination av kapitaltillväxt och inkomst på fondens tillgångar, vilket återspeglar avkastningen från Bloomberg MSCI December 2027 Maturity USD Corporate ESG Screened Index, fondens jämförelseindex.
Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel Nordnet, SAVR, DEGIRO och Avanza.
PT Asset Management VD Sean Dranfield tar Proactives Stephen Gunnion genom företagets strategi för obligationsinvesteringar och Performance Trust Total Return Bond UCITSETF (PTAM). Dranfield förklarade konceptet ”shape management”, en matematisk metod utformad för att balansera obligationsinvesteringar över olika räntemiljöer.
Till skillnad från traditionella passiva ETF:er har denna aktivt förvaltade obligationsfond som mål att ge en stabil totalavkastning genom att kombinera offensiva och defensiva obligationer. Dranfield betonade att aktiv förvaltning historiskt sett har presterat bättre på obligationsmarknaden och delat insikter om nyckelinnehav, inklusive räntebärande obligationer, kommersiella inteckningsskyddade värdepapper och skattepliktiga kommunala obligationer.
Han förklarade också varför amerikanska obligationer erbjuder unika defensiva fördelar för europeiska investerare, särskilt i osäkra räntemiljöer. Diskussionen omfattade fondens investeringsstrategi, topppresterande obligationssektorer och hur PT Asset Management differentierar sig genom kvantitativt styrt beslutsfattande.
Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel Nordnet, SAVR, DEGIRO och Avanza.