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U.S. Moats Outpace International Moats



U.S. Moats Outpace International Moats July showed contrasting results for the two Morningstar indices, although both were negatively impacted by the deepening weakness in the energy sector. For U.S. equities, the Morningstar® Wide Moat Focus IndexSM outperformed the S&P 500® Index

U.S. Moats Outpace International Moats July showed contrasting results for the two Morningstar indices, although both were negatively impacted by the deepening weakness in the energy sector. For U.S. equities, the Morningstar® Wide Moat Focus IndexSM outperformed the S&P 500® Index (+2.27% versus +2.10%). By contrast, for international equities the Morningstar® Global ex-US Moat Focus IndexSM trailed the MSCI All Country World Index ex USA (-1.80% versus -0.28%).

Domestic Equity Markets: GOOGL and AMGN Shine

Tech giant Google (GOOGL) was the top performer for U.S.-centric Morningstar Wide Moat Focus Index (MWMFTR) posting total return performance of +21.75%. Biotech giant Amgen (AMGN) also performed notably well (+15.03%), and had its fair value estimate raised by Morningstar analysts in July. By contrast, several of the Index’s energy sector firms struggled in July, including Williams (WMB) and Spectra (SE), which declined 8.56% and 7.18%, respectively.

International Equity Markets: Energy Was Draining

Many of the constituent companies in the internationally-focused Morningstar Global ex-US Moat Focus Index (MGEUMFUN) were subjected to the broad sell-off in commodities last month, notably gold miner Eldorado Gold (EGO) and agribusiness company Potash (POT). Mexico, Hong Kong, and Canada all weighed down Index performance for the month. By contrast, several international moat-rated companies supported the Index, led by industrials and consumer staples companies.

The Difference is Morningstar

The new Moat Investor Monthly highlights key insights and performance trends impacting global moat investing. Internationally-focused MOTI joins U.S.-focused MOAT to provide investors with global exposure to Morningstar’s moat methodology and valuation principals.

Market Vectors
Morningstar Wide Moat ETF

Index:    Morningstar® Wide Moat Focus IndexSM (MWMFTR)
Focus:    Domestic

Market Vectors
Morningstar International Moat ETF

Index:     Morningstar® Global ex-US Moat Focus IndexSM (MGEUMFUN)
Focus:     International

Important Disclosure

This commentary is not intended as a recommendation to buy or to sell any of the named securities. For the Indices and the ETFs MOAT and MOTI holdings will vary.

Index performance is not representative of fund performance. To view fund performance current to the most recent month end, call 800.826.2333 or visit vaneck.com.

An investor cannot invest directly in an index. Returns reflect past performance and do not guarantee future results. Results reflect the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, if any. Index returns do not represent Fund returns. The Index does not charge management fees or brokerage expenses, nor does the Index lend securities, and no revenues from securities lending were added to the performance shown.

Fair value estimate: the Morningstar analyst’s estimate of what a stock is worth.

Price/Fair Value: ratio of a stock’s trading price to its fair value estimate.

The Morningstar® Wide Moat Focus IndexSM and Morningstar® Global ex-US Moat Focus IndexSM were created and are maintained by Morningstar, Inc. Morningstar, Inc. does not sponsor, endorse, issue, sell, or promote the Market Vectors Morningstar Wide Moat ETF or Market Vectors Morningstar International Moat ETF and bears no liability with respect to the ETFs or any security. Morningstar® is a registered trademark of Morningstar, Inc. Morningstar Wide Moat Focus Index and Morningstar Global ex-US Moat Focus Index are service marks of Morningstar, Inc.

The Morningstar Wide Moat Focus Index consists of 20 U.S. companies identified as having sustainable, competitive advantages and whose stocks are the most attractively priced, according to Morningstar.

The Morningstar Global ex-US Moat Focus Index consists of 50 companies outside of the U.S. identified as having sustainable, competitive advantages and whose stocks are the most attractively priced, according to Morningstar.

The S&P 500 Index consists of 500 widely held common stocks covering the leading industries of the U.S. economy.

MSCI All Country World Index ex USA captures large and mid cap representation across 22 Developed Markets countries (excluding the U.S.) and 23 Emerging Markets countries.

An investment in the Market Vectors Morningstar Wide Moat ETF (MOAT) may be subject to risks which include, among others, fluctuations in value due to market and economic conditions or factors relating to specific issuers. Medium-capitalization companies may be subject to elevated risks. The Fund’s assets may be concentrated in a particular sector and may be subject to more risk than investments in a diverse group of sectors.

An investment in the Market Vectors Morningstar International Moat ETF (MOTI) may be subject to risks which include, among others, fluctuations in value due to market and economic conditions or factors relating to specific issuers. Foreign and emerging markets investments are subject to risks, which include changes in economic and political conditions, foreign currency fluctuations, changes in foreign regulations, changes in currency exchange rates, unstable governments, and limited trading capacity which may make these investments volatile in price or difficult to trade. Medium-capitalization companies may be subject to elevated risks. The Fund’s assets may be concentrated in a particular sector and may be subject to more risk than investments in a diverse group of sectors.

Fund shares are not individually redeemable and will be issued and redeemed at their Net Asset Value (NAV) only through certain authorized broker-dealers in large, specified blocks of shares called ”creation units” and otherwise can be bought and sold only through exchange trading. Creation units are issued and redeemed principally in kind. Shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV in the secondary market. You will incur brokerage expenses when trading Fund shares in the secondary market. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Returns for actual Fund investments may differ from what is shown because of differences in timing, the amount invested, and fees and expenses.

Investing involves substantial risk and high volatility, including possible loss of principal. An investor should consider the investment objective, risks, charges and expenses of a Fund carefully before investing. To obtain a prospectus and summary prospectus, which contain this and other information, call 888.MKT.VCTR | 888.658.8287. Please read the prospectus and summary prospectus carefully before investing.

Van Eck Securities Corporation, Distributor

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VettaFis Stacey Morris lyfter fram midstream energisektorns starka prestanda och stabilitet 2024



VettaFis energiforskningschef Stacey Morris träffade Steve Darling från Proactive för att prata om motståndskraften i mellanströmsenergisektorn 2024, som har levererat starka resultat trots bredare utmaningar inom energisektorn.

VettaFis energiforskningschef Stacey Morris träffade Steve Darling från Proactive för att prata om motståndskraften i mellanströmsenergisektorn 2024, som har levererat starka resultat trots bredare utmaningar inom energisektorn.

Till skillnad från andra energisegment fokuserar midstream-företag på att transportera energi via långsiktiga, avgiftsbaserade kontrakt, vilket erbjuder stabilare kassaflöden oberoende av oljeprisskiften. Morris noterade att medelstora företag har blomstrat på stigande efterfrågan på naturgas, driven av kraftsektorns behov och tillväxt i datacenter, med vissa företag som upplever 60-80 procent tillväxt.

Dessutom diskuterade Morris VettaFis senaste övergång till ett nytt underliggande index för Alerian Midstream Energy Dividend, vilket förbättrade fondens struktur och riktade in sig på högpresterande företag, vilket resulterade i en genomsnittlig direktavkastning på cirka fem procent. Sektorns tillväxt och stabilitet positionerar den väl för fortsatt efterfrågedriven avkastning.


HANetf Alerian Midstream Energy Dividend UCITS ETF (JMLP ETF) är en europeisk börshandlad fond som handlas på bland annat London Stock Exchange och tyska Xetra.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRONordnetAktieinvest och Avanza.

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EXID ETF en utdelande fond som köper tyska mid caps



iShares MDAX® UCITS ETF (DE) EUR (Dist) (EXID ETF) investerar i aktier med fokus Mid Cap, Tyskland. Utdelningarna i fonden delas ut till investerarna (kvartalsvis).

iShares MDAX® UCITS ETF (DE) EUR (Dist) (EXID ETF) investerar i aktier med fokus Mid Cap, Tyskland. Utdelningarna i fonden delas ut till investerarna (kvartalsvis).

Den totala kostnadskvoten uppgår till 0,51 % per år. Fonden replikerar resultatet för det underliggande indexet genom att köpa alla indexbeståndsdelar (full replikering). iShares MDAX® UCITS ETF (DE) EUR (Dist) är en mycket liten ETF med 4 miljoner euro under förvaltning. EXID ETF är äldre än 1 år och har sin hemvist i Tyskland.

Varför EXID?

Exponering mot 50 bolag som handlas på Frankfurtbörsen

Direktinvestering i medelstora företag

Exponering mot företag med enstaka länder och medelstora börsvärden


Fonden strävar efter att spåra resultatet för ett index som består av 50 tyska medelstora företag som är noterade på Prime Standard Segment på Frankfurtbörsen eller som huvudsakligen verkar i Tyskland


MDAX®-indexet spårar 50 tyska medelstora aktier som är noterade på Prime Standard-segmentet på Frankfurtbörsen.


iShares MDAX® UCITS ETF (DE) EUR (Dist) (EXID ETF) är en europeisk börshandlad fond. Denna fond handlas på flera olika börser, till exempel Deutsche Boerse Xetra.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRONordnet, Aktieinvest och Avanza.



Största innehav

KortnamnNamnSektorVikt (%)ISINValuta
RHMRHEINMETALL AGIndustrials5.68DE0007030009EUR
DHERDELIVERY HEROConsumer Discretionary4.47DE000A2E4K43EUR
G1AGEA GROUP AGIndustrials3.58DE0006602006EUR
G24SCOUT24 NCommunication2.84DE000A12DM80EUR

Innehav kan komma att förändras

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iShares nya ETFer erbjuder tillgång till globalt skogsbruk och kortfristiga företagsobligationer i US$



Sedan i onsdags iShares nya ETFer kunnat handlas på Xetra och Börse Frankfurt. iShares nya ETFer erbjuder tillgång till globalt skogsbruk och kortfristiga företagsobligationer i US$

Sedan i onsdags iShares nya ETFer kunnat handlas på Xetra och Börse Frankfurt. iShares nya ETFer erbjuder tillgång till globalt skogsbruk och kortfristiga företagsobligationer i US$

iShares Global Timber and Forestry UCITS ETF (CEB9) följer utvecklingen av S&P Global Timber & Forestry Index, vilket ger investerare tillgång till den globala timmer- och skogssektorn. Företagen kan vara baserade i utvecklade eller tillväxtländer och kan vara aktiva i ägande, förvaltning eller uppströms försörjningskedjan av skogar och virkesodlingsområden.

iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist) (CEB8) ger investerare tillgång till en brett diversifierad portfölj av US$-denominerade räntebärande företagsobligationer. Obligationer måste ha en återstående löptid på minst 6 månader och högst 5 år. En emittents vikt är begränsad till 3 procent. Valutarisker mot USD minimeras.

iShares Global Timber and Forestry UCITS ETF USD (Acc)IE0003ZXNJY50,65 &accumulatingS&P Global Timber & Forestry Index
iShares $ Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist)IE000VNGJFV00,25 %distributingMarkit iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade 0-5 Index

Produktutbudet i Deutsche Börses XTF-segment omfattar för närvarande totalt 2 275 ETFer. Med detta urval och en genomsnittlig månatlig handelsvolym på cirka 16 miljarder euro är Xetra den ledande handelsplatsen för ETFer i Europa.

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