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Treasury yields suggest the US economy is approaching a peak



Treasury yields suggest the US economy is approaching a peak

ETF Securities Fixed Income Research – Treasury yields suggest the US economy is approaching a peak


  • Current low term premium for US Treasury bonds suggests US economic growth is near peak.
  • The inflation risk premium is the primary driver of government bond yields, but creditworthiness could become the new directional catalyst in the future.
  • Duration risk is best rewarded at short maturities than on long-term bonds.

The yield curve and term premium estimates are useful for the forecasting of future returns from bonds. In addition, identifying the macro drivers of bond returns helps to detect trend reversals in the economic cycle and the bond market.

What does the US yield curve tell us?

The yield curve’s shape is closely related to business, credit and monetary policy cycles. The yield curve’s steepness, as defined by the yield differential between the 10-year and the 3-month Treasury yields, has a negative relationship with the level of short-term rates. In other words, when the short-term rates are low, the steepness of the curve is elevated or the yield curve is steep. The variations in the shape of the yield curve is partly explained by the fact that investors’ expectations of future short-term rates tend to mean-revert at extremely low or high levels of short-term rates.

(Click to enlarge)

The graph above exhibits the negative relationship between the steepness spread of the yield curve and the gap between the current short rate and its 10-year average. The wider the gap, the higher the market’s expectation of the Federal Reserve rising interest rates. The compression of this gap in the past two years suggests that investors have now almost fully priced into the Treasury bond market the Fed’s current monetary tightening cycle.

A steep curve generally coincides with a high unemployment rate and strong economic growth. The US Treasury steepness spreads has been falling for the past five with the market’s anticipation of monetary tightening. The steepness spread currently stands at 160bps but we expect it will compress further until becoming negative as the Fed gradually increases interest rates.

(Click to enlarge)

The US unemployment rate is now close to its pre-crisis and structural level of 4.6% while the US economy is growing close to its potential growth rate of 2% annually. This combined with the flattening of the US Treasury yield curve both suggest the US economy is approaching a peak. The variation of the steepness spread is a useful tool to timely anticipate the next recession (i.e. the next recession is imminent if the steepness spread becomes negative).

Negative term premium

The yield curve is also useful to predict near-term bond returns. The long-term bonds yields are a function of two unobservable components: the expected average of future short-term interest rates and the duration or term premium. The latter compensates investors for forgoing their current consumption to invest in uncertain long term yields. A simple term premium proxy can be derived from subtracting market participants’ expectations of future interest rates from long-term bond yields. The major challenge is estimating the markets’ expectations of the future course of short-term rates over a long-term horizon. Most proxies are derived from surveys of professional forecasters or statistical estimates.

(Click to enlarge)

The estimates of the term premium may differ by magnitude but tend to have the same directional trend, they move in tandem with the level of short-term rates. Investors require a high term premium when the economy is near a cycle trough and the yield curve is steep. On the contrary, investors accept low or negative term premiums when the economy is near a peak and the yield curve is flat or inverted.

(Click to enlarge)

Macro drivers of low long-term yields

Inflation risk is the most important secular driver of expected real bond yields2. Improving central bank credibility since the 1980s has contributed to reduce volatility in inflation expectations and thus bond yields. However, we believe the level of indebtedness and creditworthiness of governments will increasingly affect bond premiums. Long-term structural challenges such as debt overhang, aging populations and low productivity growth in developed economies could lead to the fiscal outlook overshadowing inflation as the main driver of government bond yields, as has been the case in Europe since the financial crisis.

The demand for long-term bonds over the past decade has been growing due to structural, regulatory and cyclical factors. In particular, the large-scale asset purchase programmes conducted by major central banks have led to government bonds becoming scarce and have pushed yields lower. The combined effect of the global “saving glut” and stricter regulations also partly explain why the yield curve is typically flat or inverted at long maturities. Investors are willing to accept negative term premiums to comply with their liabilities or regulatory constraints.

As a result, historical average returns show that the risk-reward relation is positive but nonlinear, as it tends to be flat or negative for long-term maturities. The reward for extending duration is highest at short maturities (under 7 years) and diminishes at longer maturities. In other words, investors receive a better risk-adjusted return at shorter maturities.

Hedging with government bonds

Our reading of the US economic data and US treasury yield curve suggest the US economy is approaching a peak. With the US stock market at all-time highs and with a low inflation rate, investors accept negative term premium as a price for hedging against stocks and recession. The current negative relationship between US government bonds and US stocks reinforces this view as US government bonds exhibit diversification properties.

(Click to enlarge)

Important Information

This communication has been issued and approved for the purpose of section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 by ETF Securities (UK) Limited (“ETFS UK”) which is authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”).

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AK8G ETF köper tyska statsobligationer med förfall 2027



Amundi Fixed Maturity 2027 German Bund Government Bond UCITS ETF Dist (AK8G ETF) med ISIN LU2780871823 försöker spåra FTSE German Government 2027 Maturity index. FTSE German Government 2027 Maturity Index följer tyska statsobligationer. Indexet speglar inte ett konstant löptidsintervall (som är fallet med de flesta andra obligationsindex). Istället ingår endast obligationer som förfaller under det angivna året (här: 2027) i indexet. Betyg: AAA. Löptid: december 2027 (Denna ETF kommer att stängas efteråt).

Amundi Fixed Maturity 2027 German Bund Government Bond UCITS ETF Dist (AK8G ETF) med ISIN LU2780871823 försöker spåra FTSE German Government 2027 Maturity index. FTSE German Government 2027 Maturity Index följer tyska statsobligationer. Indexet speglar inte ett konstant löptidsintervall (som är fallet med de flesta andra obligationsindex). Istället ingår endast obligationer som förfaller under det angivna året (här: 2027) i indexet. Betyg: AAA. Löptid: december 2027 (Denna ETF kommer att stängas efteråt).

Den börshandlade fondens TER (total cost ratio) uppgår till 0,09 % p.a. Amundi Fixed Maturity 2027 German Bund Government Bond UCITS ETF Dist är den enda ETF som följer FTSE German Government 2027 Maturity index. ETFen replikerar det underliggande indexets prestanda genom fullständig replikering (köper alla indexbeståndsdelar). Ränteintäkterna (kuponger) i ETFen delas ut till investerarna (halvårsvis).

Denna lanserades den 25 april 2024 och har sin hemvist i Luxemburg.


Amundi Fixed Maturity 2027 German Bund Government Bond UCITS ETF Dist försöker replikera, så nära som möjligt, utvecklingen av FTSE German Government 2027 Maturity Index (”Indexet”) oavsett om trenden är stigande eller fallande, och att minimera tracking error mellan delfondens nettotillgångsvärde och indexets utveckling. Den förväntade nivån av tracking error under normala marknadsförhållanden anges i delfondens prospekt. Indexet är ett totalavkastningsindex: de kuponger som betalas av indexbeståndsdelarna ingår i indexavkastningen.

Handla AK8G ETF

Amundi Fixed Maturity 2027 German Bund Government Bond UCITS ETF Dist (AK8G ETF) är en europeisk börshandlad fond. Denna fond handlas på Deutsche Boerse Xetra.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRONordnet, Aktieinvest och Avanza.



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Denna fond använder fysisk replikering för att spåra indexets prestanda.

NamnValutaVikt %Sektor
GERMANY BRD 0.5% 15AUG27EUR20,03 %Statsobligationer
FEDERAL REPUB BOBL 1.3% 15OCT27EUR19,02 %Statsobligationer
GERMANY BRD 0.25% 15FEB27EUR18,75 %Statsobligationer
FEDERAL REPUB BOBL % 16APR27EUR13,37 %Statsobligationer
FEDERAL REPUB BRD % 15NOV27EUR13,21 %Statsobligationer
GERMANY BRD 6.5% 04JUL27EUR10,55 %Statsobligationer
FEDERAL REPUB BOBL 1.3% 15OCT27EUR5,07 %Statsobligationer

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FLXS ETF är ett sätt att få exponering mot Saudiarabien



Franklin FTSE Saudi Arabia UCITS ETF (FLXS ETF) med ISIN IE000C7DDDX4, försöker följa FTSE Saudi Arabia 30/18 Capped-index. FTSE Saudi Arabia 30/18 Capped-index följer den saudiarabiska aktiemarknaden. Den största positionen i indexet är begränsad till en vikt på 30 procent. Alla andra bolag i indexet är begränsade till 18 procent.

Franklin FTSE Saudi Arabia UCITS ETF (FLXS ETF) med ISIN IE000C7DDDX4, försöker följa FTSE Saudi Arabia 30/18 Capped-index. FTSE Saudi Arabia 30/18 Capped-index följer den saudiarabiska aktiemarknaden. Den största positionen i indexet är begränsad till en vikt på 30 procent. Alla andra bolag i indexet är begränsade till 18 procent.

Den börshandlade fondens TER (total cost ratio) uppgår till 0,39 % p.a. Franklin FTSE Saudi Arabia UCITS ETF är den enda ETF som följer FTSE Saudi Arabia 30/18 Capped-index. ETF:n replikerar det underliggande indexets prestanda genom fullständig replikering (köper alla indexbeståndsdelar). Utdelningarna i ETFen ackumuleras och återinvesteras.

Denna ETF lanserades den 28 oktober 2024 och har sin hemvist i Irland.

Sammanfattning av fondens mål

Fondens mål är att ge exponering mot stora och medelstora aktier i Saudiarabien. Fonden strävar efter att följa resultatet för FTSE Saudi Arabia 30/18 Capped Index-NR (”Indexet”) så nära som möjligt, oavsett om indexnivån stiger eller faller, samtidigt som man försöker minimera spårningen så långt som möjligt felet mellan fondens och indexets resultat.


Franklin FTSE Saudi Arabia UCITS ETF (FLXS ETF) är en europeisk börshandlad fond. Denna fond handlas på flera olika börser, till exempel Deutsche Boerse Xetra och London Stock Exchange.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRONordnet, Aktieinvest och Avanza.


Borsa ItalianaEURSAUDI
London Stock ExchangeUSDKSA

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VärdepapperSektorVikt %

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HODL fyller sex år



HODL fyller sex år! 🎉 21Shares var den första emittenten att erbjuda en fysisk krypto-ETP-korg i Europa. Denna lanserades när BTC handlades till 4 400 $. Idag svävar den runt $91 000! Upptäck mer om HODL (eller 21XH som den också kallas beroende på börs) och dess resa.

HODL fyller sex år! 🎉 21Shares var den första emittenten att erbjuda en fysisk krypto-ETP-korg i Europa. Denna lanserades när BTC handlades till 4 400 $. Idag svävar den runt $91 000! Upptäck mer om HODL (eller 21XH som den också kallas beroende på börs) och dess resa.

Handla 21XH ETP

21Shares Crypto Basket Index ETP (21XH ETP) är en europeisk börshandlad kryptovaluta. Denna ETP handlas på flera olika börser, till exempel Deutsche Boerse Xetra och Euronext Amsterdam.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETP genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRONordnetAktieinvest och Avanza.


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