
The Combination of Market Indicators



The Combination of Market Indicators In general, there are three broad styles of research used to assess market conditions and identify potential investment opportunities. Some people use macroeconomic research which examines the forces that impact markets or economies as a whole. Others prefer fundamental research, which aims to determine a security’s value by using company- and sector-level analysis. And lastly, there are those who rely exclusively on technical analysis, which looks at present and historical market activity, such as price levels and trading volume, to determine trends and patterns in the markets.

So, which type of research should you use to guide your investment decisions? As with most questions when it comes to investing, there’s tremendous debate among the proponents of each school of thought. What is not in dispute, however, is that each of these disciplines has its advantages and, when used in conjunction, can provide complementary insight that may help effectively position a well-diversified portfolio across all market cycles.

By combining macroeconomic, fundamental, and technical research, the VanEck NDR Managed Allocation Fund seeks to enhance portfolio return potential by overweighting asset classes expected to outperform and underweighting or exiting those expected to underperform.

Many asset allocation strategies rely on just one type of analysis for their allocation and timing decisions.

The VanEck NDR Managed Allocation Fund combines three research disciplines (macroeconomic, fundamental, and technical) using over 130 indicators to provide dynamic and thorough market analysis.

VanEck has partnered with Ned Davis Research (NDR), a recognized leader in objective data analysis with a long history of researching financial market cycles and using technical signals to supplement macroeconomic and fundamental research.

The VanEck NDR Managed Allocation Fund allocates primarily to exchange-traded products (ETPs) that invest in domestic and foreign equities and U.S. debt securities and has the ability to increase exposure to cash and cash equivalents in volatile or uncertain markets.

The VanEck NDR Managed Allocation Fund offers:

• Allocation decisions driven by a combination of over 130 macroeconomic, fundamental, and technical indicators

• Disciplined portfolio construction and risk management based upon objective, model-driven analysis, thereby reducing subjective and behavioral errors

• Flexibility to adjust weightings across asset classes and to add or remove indicators as market conditions evolve

You can lose money by investing in the Fund. Any investment in the Fund should be part of an overall investment program rather than a complete program. All mutual funds are subject to market risk, including possible loss of principal. Because the Fund is a “fund-of-funds,” an investor will indirectly bear the principal risks of the exchange-traded products in which it invests, including but not limited to, risks associated with smaller companies, foreign securities, emerging markets, debt securities, commodities, and derivatives.

The Fund will bear its share of the fees and expenses of the exchange-traded products. Consequently, an investment in the Fund entails more direct and indirect expenses than a direct investment in an exchange-traded product. Because the Fund invests in exchange-traded products, it is subject to additional risks that do not apply to conventional mutual funds, including the risks that the market price of an exchange-traded product’s shares may be higher or lower than the value of its underlying assets, there may be a lack of liquidity in the shares of the exchange-traded product, or trading may be halted by the exchange on which they trade. Principal risks of investing in foreign securities include changes in currency rates, foreign taxation and differences in auditing and other financial standards. Debt securities may be subject to credit risk and interest rate risk. Investments in debt securities typically decrease in value when interest rates rise. Because the Fund’s Adviser relies heavily on third party quantitative models, the Fund is also subject to model and data risk. For a description of these and other risk considerations, please refer to the Fund’s prospectus, which should be read carefully before you invest. Diversification does not assure a profit or protect against loss.

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