
TER Fee Waiver for the Hashdex Nasdaq Crypto Index Europe ETP



Hashdex recently announced a significant development for the Hashdex Nasdaq Crypto Index Europe ETP by waiving its Total Expense Ratio (TER) to 0%.

The ETP is currently available on the SIX Swiss Exchange (HASH), Deutsche Börse Xetra (HDX1), Euronext Paris (HASH), and Euronext Amsterdam (HASH). This initiative aims to support the growth Hashdex’ flagship ETP. As of 19/07/24, HASH ETP has ~$150 million in AUM.

Objective of the ETP

The Hashdex Nasdaq Crypto Index Europe ETP aims to track the performance, less fees and expenses, of the Nasdaq Crypto IndexTM (NCITM) to offer a simple, secure and cost-efficient way to get exposure to the broad and liquid crypto assets market. The ETP is fully physically backed and collateralised by its underlying crypto assets.

Product Page

Fact Sheet


Current composition of the Nasdaq Crypto IndexTM

Source Hashdex as of 19/07/24.

The Nasdaq Crypto IndexTM was developed by Nasdaq® in partnership with Hashdex to provide investors a reliable, dynamic and broad benchmark for crypto assets.

Rebalanced quarterly and weighted by the market capitalisation of underlying assets, it accurately captures the dynamics of the crypto assets market, including emerging crypto assets or removing the ones losing traction, and provides a true and updated representation of this market over time.

Nasdaq Crypto Index Methodology

Simulate the impact of investing in crypto assets on the return and risk of traditional portfolios

Hashdex Portfolio Simulator

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