Valutamarknaden mäter risken på den globala finansmarknaden Finansmarknaderna togs nyligen på sängen när Mario Draghi, ordförande i Europeiska centralbanken (ECB) meddelade en sänkning av alla ECBs...
What’s in store for the ECB and the Euro ETF Securities FX Research: A global recession is just hype Summary Market dynamics in 2016 indicate that...
Negative rates: The ECB’s policy isn’t working. The European Central Bank’s (ECB’s) policy to give a boost to the Eurozone economy via QE appears to be...
Under lång tid var världens ekonomer övertygade om att de nominella räntorna, det vill säga de ersättning som spararna erhöll för att sätta in pengar på...
Commodity ETP Weekly – Commodities end volatile week only slightly down Inflows into oil ETPs reach highest level since March 2015 as investors bet on unsustainably...
ETFS Multi-Asset Weekly – Deal or no deal…stability will be restored Highlights Grains post strong gains. Is correction territory a buying opportunity for China? Swedish and...
ETF Securities Commodity ETP Weekly Platinum Buoyant Against Backdrop of Potential Labour Unrest Platinum defies precious metals trend with strongest inflows in 19 weeks. ETFS Industrial...
Den spanska centralbanken sålde i veckan statsskuldsväxlar till ett värde om 725 MEUR som ger en negativ ränta, i detta fall minus 0,002 procent. Det inkom...
ETFS Multi-Asset Weekly – US Equities Outpace Eurozone, as USD Strength Hits Commodities (For Now) Highlights Arabica coffee jumps over 14% in a week on supply...
Deutsche Bank – Synthetic Equity & Index Strategy – Europé Opposing Views by European and US ETP Investors on European Equities October European ETP Highlights As...