Såväl ProShares Ultra Silver och ProShares UltraShort Silver ETFs (silverfonderna) och ProShares Ultra Gold och the ProShares UltraShort Gold ETFs (guldfonderna) kommer att få nya benchmarkindex...
Såväl banker som mäklarhus har sänkt sina genomsnittliga guldprognoser för detta år och 2019. Prognossänkningen skedde efter att den gula ädelmetallen nådde sin lägsta nivå på...
ETF Securities Weekly Flows Analysis – Investors appear to rotate from gold to silver ETPs Highlights Silver ETPs receive highest weekly inflows since January 2015. Equity...
ETF Securities Weekly Flows Analysis – Gold inflows strengthen as geopolitical risks take centre stage Highlights Geopolitical risk drives US$33.2mn into long gold ETPs and US$13. 6mn...
Commodity Monthly Monitor – Commodities buck cyclical shakedown Your reference guide to commodity markets. Includes the latest outlook for each commodity sector and major developments for...
ETF Securities Commodity Research: Silver may benefit from upturn in industrial cycle Highlights Silver has underperformed in 2017 with weak investor demand. Gold has been the...
When will the bull market end? The rise in the equity market continues. What hurdles could cause the bull to stumble? Stock markets around the globe...
ETF Securities Weekly Flows Analysis – Inflows into ETPs driven by tactical reallocations Investors injected US$26mn inflows into platinum and silver ETPs last week, withdrawing US$25mn...
iShares Silver Trust (NYSEArca: SLV) och ETFS Physical Silver Shares (NYSEArca: SIVR), som backas upp av fysiska silvertackor har gynnats av guldprisets uppgång. Denna ädelmetall har stigit med över 4...
ETF Securities Weekly Flows Analysis – Investors rotate into gold out of silver Investors rotate back to gold, away from silver. Emerging market bond ETPs see...