21.co, moderbolaget till 21Shares – en av världens största emittenter av kryptobörshandlade produkter (ETP), tillkännagav idag lanseringen av 21.co Wrapped Bitcoin (21BTC) på Ethereum blockchain i...
Xtrackers Galaxy Physical Bitcoin ETC Securities (XXBT ETP) med ISIN CH1315732250, spårar priset på kryptovalutan Bitcoin. Denna ETPs TER (total cost ratio) uppgår till 0,35 %...
I början av mars skrev vi en text med Vilken Bitcoinprodukt är bäst, med samma tema, att undersöka de olika börshandlade produkterna som ger exponering mot...
Crypto markets bolstered a solid performance last week, buoyed by expectations of potential interest rate cuts in the upcoming months. The Nasdaq Crypto Index™ (NCI™) went...
Bitwise Asset Management tillkännagav idag förvärvet av ETC Group, en Londonbaserad krypto-ETP-emittent med över 1 miljard dollar i tillgångar under förvaltning. Nyheten markerar Bitwises expansion till...
• Bitcoin: A Political Ploy or a Strategic Reserve Asset? • Surviving Bitcoin’s Headwinds Amid Improving Macroeconomics • The Approval of Ethereum ETFs and its Impact...
Crypto markets had another week of consolidation, led by bitcoin (BTC) increasing 1.1% and ether (ETH) experiencing a -6.2% correction, pushing the Nasdaq Crypto Index (NCI)...
The last week was quite memorable for the crypto community and investors. On Tuesday, Ethereum ETFs began trading in the US, something most observers didn’t think...
• Cryptoassets were weighed down by increasing US macro risks and a disappointing debut of the Ethereum spot ETFs. However, there was significant performance dispersion across...
• Global crypto asset adoption rates are significantly higher than previously estimated. • The data generally suggest that both the US and Europe may be at...