Nordiska ETFmarknaden mars 2016 Under mars uppgick ETF-handeln till ca 13,7 Mdr SEK (drygt 20 Mdr SEK i februari), varav ca 10,6 Mdr SEK omsattes i...
Emerging Markets Growth Spots, LatAm and Turkey TOM BUTCHER: I’m here today with Patricia and David of VanEck’s Emerging Markets Equity team to discuss exciting growth...
Market Insight – Foreign Exchange – Sterling likely to suffer as Brexit back in focus Campaigns begin Following the selection of “Vote Leave” and “Britain Stronger...
Federal Reserve har begått ett policymisstag ETF Securities, en av världens ledande och oberoende leverantörer av börshandlade produkter (ETPer), tror att den amerikanska centralbanken FED, Federal...
Det blir riksrätt för Brasiliens Rousseff, i alla fall att döma av den riksrättsomröstning som pågår i landets underhus. När 412 av rösterna hade avgetts har...
Market Insight – Foreign Exchange – Kiwi strength sustainable? Surprise cut fails to halt NZD rally On March 10th the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ)...
Doha – Desert storm in a teacup Expectations at the Doha OPEC Summit were for a simple rubber stamping of the agreement to freeze OPEC production...
Uppkomsten av en finansiell supermakt Från schweiziska legosoldater till FinTech innovatörer – hur har Schweiz finansiella industrin utvecklats under de senaste 300 åren? Den schweiziska finansbranschen...
Commodities Show Signs of Recovery Morris: ”We have seen commodities prices stabilize and some very encouraging signs…. We believe this is the kind of action that...
ETF Securities Asset Allocation Research – Time to increase allocation into emerging market equities Summary • Until recently developed market (DM) equities have been favoured over...