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Opportunities Exist in Emerging Markets Despite Challenges



Manager Commentary - Opportunities Exist in Emerging Markets Despite Challenges Emerging markets (EM) debt still facing many headwinds

Manager Commentary – Opportunities Exist in Emerging Markets Despite Challenges

By: Eric Fine, Portfolio Manager

November 2015

Executive Summary

  • Emerging markets (EM) debt still facing many headwinds
  • Strong idyosincratic drivers in Argentina, Venezuela and Russia
  • EM real rates remain low by historic standards


We still see many headwinds for EM debt including, but not limited to, the possible upcoming Federal Reserve (Fed) rate hikes, a looming potential devaluation in China, unstable commodity prices, a still weak EM growth trajectory, inflation risk, implosion in Brazil and potentially approaching troubles in Turkey. Regarding the Fed, just as the market was consistently mispricing the timing of their first hike relative to “dots” implied timing, the same seems to be occurring for the timing and magnitude of the anticipated subsequent rate hikes…fasten your duration seatbelts, in our opinion. Despite China telling the world that its currency devaluation will happen someday, it did not trigger capital flight. Shouldn’t the usual rule of thumb on devaluations apply, namely, you do them big and early in conjunction with some real or pretend reforms? How does it not get worse the longer China waits? It is maintaining a currency peg while cutting rates, making it cheaper for investors to short the currency. Furthermore, the rapidly approaching Fed hike means a tighter policy in China, via the exchange rate peg, in a time of declining growth rates for an exporting economy. The risks of unstable or weak commodity prices seem high. Brazil remains in the grips of a vicious political and economic adverse feedback loop of worse outcomes (e.g., recession) creating divisive politics and policy paralysis. Turkey does not seem to be a market concern, but we think it should be. President Erdogan is about to complete his takeover of state institutions which includes the likely departure of the current central bank head. The policy implication could be a central bank easing policy, risking currency weakness and self-fulfilling inflation expectations. Additionally, they may be tempted to intervene in the currency market, threatening their already-low reserves.

But, we think there are still investments that can outperform in the face of these risks. Our portfolio could be thought of as consisting of two halves: idiosyncratic and defensive. The idiosyncratic portion is primarily composed of Argentina and Venezuela dollar-denominated bonds, and both Russia rouble- and dollar-denominated bonds. As the term idiosyncratic implies, we see asset price performance almost entirely based on country-specific factors rather than systematic factors such as U.S. interest rates, etc. In Argentina, the idiosyncratic driver is the new government’s likely settlement with its holdout creditors, while in Venezuela, government bonds are trading near recovery value. In Russia, the idiosyncratic driver for local-currency bonds is declining inflation. The defensive half of the portfolio is made up of some high-spread dollar-denominated short-dated bonds with cheap spreads relative to fundamentals. The spread duration is such that if one is correct, the reward would be the constant carry. One of the largest allocations is to low duration dollar-denominated bonds in South Korea, which is experiencing ongoing balance of payments surpluses and can perform defensively in risk-off scenarios.

Why focus on Argentina and Venezuela as key idiosyncratic diversifiers? We have long maintained that the November presidential elections in Argentina would result in a more market-friendly government than the one established under former President Cristina Kirchner. The election victory of the opposition candidate Mauricio Macri – which was not an obvious outcome even a couple of months ago – might be a real game-changer. The new government’s line-up is very impressive, and so far, Macri has been sticking to his pre-election promises of dealing with the existing imbalances, such as multiple exchange rates, in a timely fashion. The Macri administration is also likely to bring in the resolution of the holdouts situation, paving the way for Argentina’s eventual rating upgrade to single-‘B’. We consider it a good sign that in late November Moody’s changed Argentina’s outlook to positive. The bottom line is that the country is solvent, but it currently has no market access, which should change when the holdouts issue is resolved. This is now a more likely outcome, in our opinion. Venezuela’s macro outlook remains very challenging but markets continue to price in an extremely high chance of default under our recovery value assumptions. Our position is that 100% probabilities of default, in general, are to be viewed skeptically. It remains to be seen whether the National Assembly elections on December 6 will bring in meaningful policy changes or closer relations with the U.S. – but there are several very low-hanging policy “fruits” (such as higher gasoline prices, streamlining the exchange rate system) that can reduce imbalances if there is enough political will.

Why a less negative perspective on Russia? First, Russia is emerging in a new light following the Paris tragedy and the shooting down of its military plane by Turkey. We think that appetite for an escalation of sanctions against Russia in this new environment is low. The rating agencies have already noted that the improving relations between Russia and the U.S. may boost Russia’s rating. Second, the authorities’ response to a considerable deterioration in the external conditions following the introduction of sanctions was surprisingly orthodox and helped avoid a major drain on reserves. Russia seems to be emerging from this episode with a stronger credit profile (e.g., stable reserves, lower external debt, a larger current account surplus). Third, the rouble was used mainly as a shock-absorber in the past months and is now significantly undervalued both on a short-term basis and also when looking at fundamental metrics. Additionally, a major disinflation move is expected in the next 3-6 months allowing the central bank to ease further. All this makes us more comfortable owning non-sanctioned Russia securities (sovereigns [OFZs] and hard-currency quasi-sovereign debt). Fourth, duration makes the trade attractive, in our opinion. Inflation could decline to 6% by the end of 2016 with the policy rate (and yield curve) around 10%. So, with carry and duration, we are looking at rates that are possibly 100bp-200bp lower, which may provide a cushion for potential currency weakness.

Why still unable to find attractive local currency? First, even though real interest rates in emerging markets increased in the past few weeks, they remain low by historic standards and also in comparison to real rates in developed markets (real interest rates in the U.S. have recovered to their long-term average). The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) continues to give strong signals that it is ready to hike in December. Such a move might not only pull nominal yields in the U.S. (at least in the near term) but also real rates in emerging markets. Second, with the renminbi in November finally becoming part of the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket, an international reserve asset which is based on the values of major currencies, the focus is now shifting to possible currency devaluation in China and its potential impact on the rest of EM FX (both in terms of the initial knee-jerk reaction and the subsequent rounds of “currency wars”). The offshore currency (CNH) is weakening relative to the controlled onshore currency (CNY). Third, even though there were some improvements in the EM macro data flow in the past weeks, we have yet to see any meaningful improvement in the EM growth outlook. Consensus continues to downgrade the 2016 growth forecasts in all EM regions – reflecting debt overhang and low commodity prices among other things. The expected growth differential between EM and the U.S. continues to narrow down, undermining the fundamental support for EM FX. We should note the potential for contagion risk in Brazil and Turkey perhaps, due to the size and importance of their economies.

A key feature of the intial steps of our investment process compares the risk premium of a country to its fundamentals) and we should emphasize that it does uncover pockets of value in local-currency markets. Colombia, Brazil, Zambia, Nigeria and others pay high real interest rates. However, in each of these cases, these investments failed the following step of our process which test specific risk factors. Colombia has been very correlated to oil prices, and we expect it will continue to be, and thus the failed correlation test, Brazil fails the policy/politics test, and Zambia and Nigeria are slowly moving to capital control regimes, in our opinion, and therefore, fail the policy/politics tests.

Exposure Types and Significant Changes The changes to our top positions are summarized below. Our largest positions are currently: South Korea, Argentina, Venezuela, South Africa and Russia.

  • We added local-currency sovereign and hard-currency quasi-sovereign debt exposure in Russia. We expect to benefit from a combination of a change in the geopolitical narrative that reduces the potential risk of additional sanctions and disinflation that should allow the central bank to further slash interest rates.
  • We reduced sovereign and quasi-sovereign hard-currency debt exposure in Chile due to concerns about the price of copper in light of the ongoing growth slowdown in China.
  • We also reduced local-currency sovereign exposure in Romania due to concerns about local politics and policy noise.
  • We reduced hard-currency sovereign exposure in Israel due to greater vulnerability risks as well as concerns about duration. We also reduced quasi-sovereign hard-currency exposure in Vietnam on greater vulnerability risks.

Fund Performance

The Fund (EMBAX) gained 0.13% in November, compared to a 1.11% loss for a 50% local-50% hard-currency index.
The Fund’s biggest winners were Venezuela (hard-currency sovereign), South Africa (hard currency sovereign and quasi-sovereign) and Ivory Coast (hard-currency sovereign). The Fund’s biggest losers were Argentina (hard-currency sovereign), Romania (local-currency sovereign) and Mongolia (hard-currency sovereign).

Turning to the market’s performance, the GBI-EM’s biggest winners were Nigeria, Brazil and Indonesia. The biggest losers were Colombia, South Africa and Hungary – with Colombia and South Africa affected by low commodity prices and policy rate hikes.
The EMBI’s biggest winners were Venezuela, Kazakhstan and Malaysia, while its biggest losers were Egypt, Chile and Mongolia (with the latter two affected by concerns about the price of copper).

Diversification does not assure a profit or prevent against a loss.

Expenses: Class A: Gross 1.32%; Net 1.25%. Expenses are capped contractually until 05/01/16 at 1.25% for Class A. Caps exclude certain expenses, such as interest. Please note that, generally, unconstrained bond funds may have higher fees than core bond funds due to the specialized nature of their strategies. The tables above present past performance which is no guarantee of future results and which may be lower or higher than current performance. Returns reflect applicable fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements. Had the Fund incurred all expenses and fees, investment returns would have been reduced. Investment returns and Fund share values will fluctuate so that investors’ shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Fund returns assume that dividends and capital gains distributions have been reinvested in the Fund at Net Asset Value (NAV). Index returns assume that dividends of the index constituents have been reinvested. Investing involves risk, including loss of principal; please see disclaimers on next page. Please call 800.826.2333 or visit vaneck.com for performance current to the most recent month ended.

Data Sources: Van Eck Research, FactSet. All portfolio weightings and statements herein as of November 30, 2015. Unless otherwise indicated.

Duration measures a bond’s sensitivity to interest rate changes that reflects the change in a bond’s price given a change in yield. This duration measure is appropriate for bonds with embedded options. Quantitative Easing by a central bank increases the money supply engaging in open market operations in an effort to promote increased lending and liquidity. Monetary Easing is an economic tool employed by a central bank to reduce interest rates and increase money supply in an effort to stimulate economic activity. Correlation is a statistical measure of how two variables move in relation to one other. Liquidity Illusion refers to the effect that an independent variable might have in the liquidity of a security as such variable fluctuates overtime. A Holdouts Issue in the fixed income asset class occurs when a bond issuing country or entity is in default or at the brink of default, and launches an exchange offer in an attempt to restructure its debt held by existing bond holding investors.

Emerging Markets Hard Currency Bonds refers to bonds denominated in currencies that are generally widely accepted around the world (such as the U.S.-Dollar, Euro or Yen). Emerging Markets Local Currency Bonds are bonds denominated in the local currency of the issuer. Emerging Markets Sovereign Bonds are bonds issued by national governments of emerging countries in order to finance a country’s growth. Emerging Markets Quasi-Sovereign Bonds are bonds issued by corporations domiciled in emerging countries that are either 100% government owned or whose debts are 100% government guaranteed. Emerging Markets Corporate Bonds are bonds issued by non-government owned corporations that are domiciled in emerging countries. A Supranational is an international organization, or union, whose members transcend national boundaries and share in the decision-making. Examples of supranationals are: World Bank, IMF, World Trade Organization. The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank for the euro and administers monetary policy of the Eurozone, which consists of 19 EU member states and is one of the largest currency areas in the world. The Labor Market Conditions Index (LMCI) is a dynamic factor model index that combines 19 labor market indicators to provide an assessment of overall labor market conditions. The Employment Cost Index tracks the changes in the costs of labor for businesses in the United States economy.

All indices are unmanaged and include the reinvestment of all dividends, but do not reflect the payment of transaction costs, advisory fees or expenses that are associated with an investment in the Fund. An index’s performance is not illustrative of the Fund’s performance. Indices are not securities in which investments can be made. The 50/50 benchmark (the “Index”) is a blended index consisting of 50% J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index (EMBI) Global Diversified and 50% J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets Global Diversified (GBI-EM). The J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets Global Diversified (GBI-EM) tracks local currency bonds issued by Emerging Markets governments. The index spans over 15 countries. J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index (EMBI) Global Diversified tracks returns for actively traded external debt instruments in emerging markets, and is also J.P. Morgan’s most liquid U.S-dollar emerging markets debt benchmark. The J.P. Morgan Emerging Country Currency Index (EMCI) is a tradable benchmark for emerging markets currencies versus the U.S. Dollar (USD). The Index compromises 10 currencies: BRL, CLP, CNH, HUF, INR, MXN, RUB, SGD, TRY and ZAR. The Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) is an indicator designed to measure consumer confidence, which is defined as the degree of optimism on the state of the economy that consumers are expressing through their activities of savings and spending.

Information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable but J.P. Morgan does not warrant its completeness or accuracy. The Index is used with permission. The index may not be copied, used or distributed without J.P. Morgan’s written approval. Copyright 2014, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved.

Please note that the information herein represents the opinion of the portfolio manager and these opinions may change at any time and from time to time and portfolio managers of other investment strategies may take an opposite opinion than those stated herein. Not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results or investment advice. Current market conditions may not continue. Non-Van Eck Global proprietary information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Van Eck Securities Corporation ©2015 Van Eck Securities Corporation.

Investing involves risk, including loss of principal. You can lose money by investing in the Fund. Any investment in the Fund should be part of an overall investment program, not a complete program. The Fund is subject to risks associated with its investments in emerging markets securities. Investing in foreign denominated and/or domiciled securities may involve heightened risk due to currency fluctua-tions, and economic and political risks, which may be enhanced in emerging markets. As the Fund may invest in securities denominated in foreign currencies and some of the income received by the Fund will be in foreign currencies, changes in currency exchange rates may negatively impact the Fund’s return. Derivatives may involve certain costs and risks such as liquidity, interest rate, market, credit, management and the risk that a position could not be closed when most advantageous. The Fund may also be subject to credit risk, in¬terest rate risk, sovereign debt risk, tax risk, non-diversification risk and risks associated with non-investment grade securities. Please see the prospectus and summary prospectus for information on these and other risk considerations.

Investors should consider the Fund’s investment objective, risks, and charges and expenses carefully before investing. Bond and bond funds will decrease in value as interest rates rise. The prospectus and summary prospectus contain this as well as other information. Please read them carefully before investing. Please call 800.826.2333 or visit vaneck.com for performance information current to the most recent month end and for a free prospectus and summary prospectus.

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Invesco lanserar den första UCITS-ETF som följer MSCI Europe Equal Weighted Index



Invesco utökar sitt alternativt viktade ETF-produktsortiment genom att lansera den första UCITS ETFen för att spåra utvecklingen för MSCI Europe Equal Weighted-index. Detta är den senaste banbrytande lanseringen för Invesco och följer efter lanseringen i september 2024 av den första ETFen i Europa för exponering mot MSCI World Equal Weight-index. Företaget var också först i världen att lansera en swapbaserad ETF med lika vikt.

Invesco utökar sitt alternativt viktade ETF-produktsortiment genom att lansera den första UCITS ETFen för att spåra utvecklingen för MSCI Europe Equal Weighted-index. Detta är den senaste banbrytande lanseringen för Invesco och följer efter lanseringen i september 2024 av den första ETFen i Europa för exponering mot MSCI World Equal Weight-index. Företaget var också först i världen att lansera en swapbaserad ETF med lika vikt.

Gary Buxton, chef för EMEA och APAC ETFs på Invesco, sa: ”Vi letar ständigt efter exponeringar som erbjuder investerare nya möjligheter, oavsett om det hjälper dem att minska risken för en viss tillgångsklass eller få tillgång till nya index, eller båda som i det här fallet. Den här senaste lanseringen utökar ytterligare vårt globala marknadsledarskap inom ETFer med lika vikt, en relativt enkel, sunt förnuft investeringsstrategi som investerare i allt högre grad har vänt sig till under det senaste året för att få en mer balanserad strategi för bred aktieexponering.”

Likaviktsstrategier började växa i popularitet när megabolagsvärderingar började se utdragna ut, med koncentration i de största innehaven på toppar i flera decennier. Denna efterfrågan har breddats från att investerare först ville minska koncentrationsrisken i sin amerikanska aktieexponering till att nu överväga en strategi med lika vikt för andra kärnexponeringar.

Invesco MSCI Europe Equal Weight UCITS ETF kommer att följa ett index som innehåller samma beståndsdelar som moderindexet MSCI Europe, men som väger varje företag lika vid varje kvartalsvis ombalansering, snarare än att vikta företag enligt börsvärde. Invesco ETF kommer att använda en fysisk replikeringsmetod för att spåra indexet.

Craig Cheesman, chef för EMEA ETF-produktutveckling på Invesco, sa: ”De flesta investerare som är intresserade av en passiv inställning till aktieexponering vill i allmänhet ha ett index från en leverantör som de redan känner till och litar på. Vi valde att samarbeta med MSCI för den här produkten eftersom, precis som fallet med vår MSCI World Equal Weight ETF, moderindexet var det som följdes mest av investerare, och erbjöd dem ett enkelt alternativ för att fånga de potentiella fördelarna med en lika viktad strategi för exakt samma indexbeståndsdelar.”

Chris Mellor, chef för EMEA ETF Equity Product Management på Invesco, förklarade: ”Ett lika viktat tillvägagångssätt har flera övertygande egenskaper. Det minskar koncentrationsrisken, som nådde en 20-årig högsta nivå förra året i Europa; ger en mer balanserad exponering både geografiskt och sektorsmässigt. och ökar exponeringen mot de mindre bolagen i indexet. Mindre företag har drivit högre tillväxt på lång sikt, även om de kommer att prestera sämre än större företag under några kortare tidsperioder. Ett tillvägagångssätt med lika vikt automatiserar också en process med att ”köpa lågt, sälja högt” med jämna mellanrum, vilket kan vara ett sunt förnuft när det gäller aktieinvesteringar.”


NamnInvesco MSCI Europe Equal Weight UCITS ETF
IndexMSCI Europe Equal Weighted Index
ETF kortnamnMEEQ

En investering i denna fond är ett förvärv av andelar i en passivt förvaltad indexföljande fond snarare än i de underliggande tillgångarna som ägs av fonden.

Kostnader kan öka eller minska till följd av valuta- och valutakursfluktuationer. Se de juridiska dokumenten för ytterligare information om kostnader.

Andelar finns också tillgängliga på Euronext Milan i Euro och i USD på SIX Swiss Exchange. Det finns även en utdelande andelsklass tillgänglig för handel i EUR på Xetra.

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Morgan och Aggarwal diskuterar Jupiter Global Government Bond Active UCITS ETF



Jupiter Global Government Bond Investerare letar alltmer efter bekväma och enkla sätt att få sitt sparande att fungera. De förväntar sig också realtidsinformation. Exchange Traded Funds, eller ETFer, erbjuder ett antal fördelar inklusive omedelbar tillgänglighet, transparens och likviditet. Investerare kan köpa eller sälja ETFer på en aktiemarknad när som helst under marknadens öppettider, precis som aktier. De flesta ETFer har historiskt sett varit passiva, men du kommer inte att hitta någon av dem på Jupiter, passiva ETFer som syftar till att inte uppnå något annat än att spåra eller spegla ett indexs utveckling.

Investerare letar alltmer efter bekväma och enkla sätt att få sitt sparande att fungera. De förväntar sig också realtidsinformation. Exchange Traded Funds, eller ETFer, erbjuder ett antal fördelar inklusive omedelbar tillgänglighet, transparens och likviditet. Investerare kan köpa eller sälja ETFer på en aktiemarknad när som helst under marknadens öppettider, precis som aktier. De flesta ETFer har historiskt sett varit passiva, men du kommer inte att hitta någon av dem på Jupiter, passiva ETFer som syftar till att inte uppnå något annat än att spåra eller spegla ett indexs utveckling.

På Jupiter tror vi på aktiva investeringar. Vårt teams beprövade och pålitliga investeringskapacitet erbjuder potentialen att över tid överträffa ett index. En Jupiter ETF är en aktiv ETF. Obligationer kan vara särskilt svåra för många investerare att köpa direkt, så den första aktiva ETF vi har lanserat är en Jupiter Global Government Bond Active UCITS ETF. Dess marknadsticker är GOVE i London och ZINS i Tyskland. Den förvaltas av Jupiters ränteteam, med Vikram Aggarwal som leder strategin som har varit med Jupiter sedan 2013.

Jupiter Global Government Bond Active UCITS ETF, eller ZINS, för att kalla den med sin ticker, ger investerare enkel tillgång till en diversifierad portfölj av globala statsobligationer. Som Matt sa, förvaltas det aktivt och syftar till att leverera överlägsen avkastning jämfört med globala statsobligationer, vilket vi tror är möjligt med en liknande grad av volatilitet. Diversifiering kan gynna investerarportföljer.

ZINS förväntas ha låg korrelation med aktier och andra riskfyllda tillgångar. Vårt mål är att uppfylla den traditionella rollen som statsobligationer inom en kunds portfölj med flera tillgångar. Som Matt sa, ZINS är inte passiv och inte heller ”blyg aktiv” eller en garderobsspårare. Den är fullt aktiv. Det är kontrariskt. Vårt tillvägagångssätt är att börja med en allokering för att utveckla marknadsobligationer och sedan diversifiera till tillväxtmarknader.

Vi undersöker vilken makroregim den globala ekonomin befinner sig i. Vi jämför sedan det med den makroregim som har högst sannolikhet tilldelad genom marknadsprissättning och investerarpositionering. När skillnaden mellan dessa tre är störst ger det oss de största investeringsmöjligheterna. ZINS motstridiga och oinskränkta tillvägagångssätt syftar till att lägga till diversifiering till en portfölj.

Jupiter har en lång och framgångsrik historia inom aktiv förvaltning. Vi har djup investeringsexpertis inom alla större tillgångsklasser och vi har ett brett utbud av möjligheter. Vi tror på aktiv förvaltning. Investering är för viktigt för våra kunders terminer för att spegla ett index eller för att följa flocken. Det kräver välgrundat investeringsbeslut baserat på rigorös analys och noggrann forskning.


Jupiter Global Government Bond Active UCITS ETF (ZINS ETF) är en europeisk börshandlad fond. Denna fond handlas på flera olika börser, till exempel Deutsche Boerse Xetra och London Stock Exchange.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel  Nordnet, SAVR, DEGIRO och Avanza.

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CEBF ETF investerar i obligationer med förfall 2025



iShares iBonds Dec 2025 Term USD Corporate UCITS ETF USD (Acc) (CEBF ETF) med ISIN IE0000X2DXK3, strävar efter att spåra Bloomberg MSCI December 2025 Maturity USD Corporate ESG Screened index. Bloomberg MSCI December 2025 Maturity USD Corporate ESG Screened-index följer amerikanska dollar denominerade företagsobligationer. Indexet speglar inte ett konstant löptidsintervall (som är fallet med de flesta andra obligationsindex). Istället ingår endast obligationer som förfaller under det angivna året (här: 2025) i indexet. Indexet består av ESG (environmental, social and governance) screenade företagsobligationer. Betyg: Investment Grade. Löptid: december 2025 (Denna ETF kommer att stängas efteråt).

iShares iBonds Dec 2025 Term USD Corporate UCITS ETF USD (Acc) (CEBF ETF) med ISIN IE0000X2DXK3, strävar efter att spåra Bloomberg MSCI December 2025 Maturity USD Corporate ESG Screened index. Bloomberg MSCI December 2025 Maturity USD Corporate ESG Screened-index följer amerikanska dollar denominerade företagsobligationer. Indexet speglar inte ett konstant löptidsintervall (som är fallet med de flesta andra obligationsindex). Istället ingår endast obligationer som förfaller under det angivna året (här: 2025) i indexet. Indexet består av ESG (environmental, social and governance) screenade företagsobligationer. Betyg: Investment Grade. Löptid: december 2025 (Denna ETF kommer att stängas efteråt).

Den börshandlade fondens TER (total cost ratio) uppgår till 0,12 % p.a. iShares iBonds Dec 2025 Term USD Corporate UCITS ETF USD (Acc) är den enda ETF som följer Bloomberg MSCI December 2025 Maturity USD Corporate ESG Screened index. ETFen replikerar det underliggande indexets prestanda genom samplingsteknik (köper ett urval av de mest relevanta indexbeståndsdelarna). Ränteintäkterna (kupongerna) i ETFen ackumuleras och återinvesteras.

iShares iBonds Dec 2025 Term USD Corporate UCITS ETF USD (Acc) har tillgångar på 301 miljoner euro under förvaltning. Denna ETF lanserades den 6 september 2023 och har sin hemvist i Irland.

Varför CEBF?

Ger exponering mot företagsobligationer denominerade i US-dollar med investeringsgrad, fast ränta, som förfaller mellan 2025-01-01 och 2025-12-15.

Det är en investeringsperiod i fonden att andelsägare den 31/12/2025 kommer att få sina andelar inlösta utan ytterligare meddelande eller aktieägarnas godkännande den 01/01/2026.

Tillämpar skärmar som exkluderar emittenter som är involverade i följande affärsområden/aktiviteter: tobaksproduktion, kärnvapen, civil skjutvapenproduktion och kontroversiella vapen, termiskt kol, generering av termiskt kol, oljesand, konventionella vapen och vapensystem/komponenter/stödsystem /tjänster.


Fonden strävar efter att uppnå avkastning på din investering genom en kombination av kapitaltillväxt och inkomst på fondens tillgångar, vilket återspeglar avkastningen från Bloomberg MSCI December 2025 Maturity USD Corporate ESG Screened Index, fondens jämförelseindex.


iShares iBonds Dec 2025 Term USD Corporate UCITS ETF USD (Acc) (CEBF ETF) är en europeisk börshandlad fond. Denna fond handlas på flera olika börser, till exempel Deutsche Boerse Xetra och London Stock Exchange.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel  Nordnet, SAVR, DEGIRO och Avanza.


Euronext AmsterdamUSDID25
Euronext ParisEURID25
London Stock ExchangeUSDID25
SIX Swiss ExchangeUSDID25

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* indicates required

