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Nordiska ETF-marknaden februari 2017



Nordiska ETF-marknaden februari 2017 Under februari uppgick ETF-handeln till ca 7,2 Mdr SEK (ca 8,8 Mdr SEK i januari), varav ca 5,5 Mdr SEK omsattes

Nordiska ETF-marknaden februari 2017

  • Under februari uppgick ETF-handeln till ca 7,2 Mdr SEK (ca 8,8 Mdr SEK i januari), varav ca 5,5 Mdr SEK omsattes i den svenska marknaden.
  • Av den totala nordiska ETF-omsättningen var Xacts marknadsandel ca 95%.
  • Av den totala börsomsättningen i Sverige i februari svarade ETF-handeln för ca 1,6%.

För db X trackers visas inte AUM då deras ETF-er är korsnoterade i Sverige.

Valutakurser som har använts i statistiken är: CHFSEK 8.9849 EURSEK 9.5581 GBPSEK 11.1883 JPYSEK 0.080127 NOKSEK 1.0764 USDSEK 9.0365

Förvaltat kapital (AUM) visas enbart för de utgivare som har primärnoterade ETF:er i Norden.

Källa: Bloomberg

Viktig information

Xacts börshandlade fonder är juridiskt och skattemässigt klassade som fonder. Xacts börshandlande fonder med säte i Sverige förvaltas av Handelsbanken Fonder AB och står under Finansinspektionens tillsyn. De fonder som har sitt säte i Norge förvaltas av Handelsbanken Kapitalforvaltning AS och står under tillsyn av Finanstilsynet.

En fonds historiska avkastning är ingen garanti för framtida avkastning. De pengar som placeras i en fond kan både öka och minska i värde och det är inte säkert att du får tillbaka hela det insatta kapitalet. På www.xact.se finner du informationsbroschyrer och faktablad.

Hävstångsfonder uppför sig annorlunda jämfört med fonder utan hävstång. Hävstångsfonder är därför endast lämpliga som investering om du förstår egenskaperna hos hävstångsprodukter, förstår effekterna av daglig ombalansering samt arbetar aktivt med och kontinuerligt ser över din placeringsportfölj, då hävstången gör att värdet ändras snabbare än i motsvarande placeringar utan hävstång.

Källor: Bloomberg, NasdaqOMX, Burgundy, Oslo Börs, Fondbolagens Förening samt respektive utgivares hemsida.

Total omsättning avser handelsplatserna NasdaqOMX för både Stockholm och Helsingfors, Burgundy och Oslo Börs.

Att en ETF är korsnoterad innebär att den har sin primärnotering på en annan börs.

AUM står för Assets under Management.

Xacts ETF:er rapporteras in under kategorin Aktiefonder i statistiken hos Fondbolagens Förening.


XACT OMXS30™, XACT OMXSB™ och XACT Norden 30, (the “Products”) are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by the NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. or its affiliates (NASDAQ OMX, with its affiliates, are referred to as the “Corporations”). The Corporations have not passed on the legality or suitability of, or the accuracy or adequacy of descriptions and disclosures relating to, the Products. The Corporations make no representation or warranty, express or implied to the owners of the Products or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities generally or in the Products particularly, or the ability of the OMXS30™, OMXSB™ and VINX30™ (the “Index”) to track general stock market performance. The Corporations’ only relationship to the party which has, or parties which have, obtained a license to use the Indices in respect of the Products (“Licensee”) is in the licensing of the NASDAQ®, NASDAQ OMX®, OMX® and VINX30™ registered trademarks, and certain trade names of the Corporations and the use of the Index which is determined, composed and calculated by NASDAQ OMX without regard to Licensee or the Products. NASDAQ OMX has no obligation to take the needs of the Licensee or the owners of the Products into consideration in determining, composing or calculating the Index. The Corporations are not responsible for and have not participated in the determination of the timing of, prices at, or quantities of the Products to be issued or in the determination or calculation of the equation by which the Products is to be converted into cash. The Corporations have no liability in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of the Products. THE CORPORATIONS DO NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY AND/OR UNINTERRUPTED CALCULATION OF THE INDICES (AS DEFINED) OR ANY DATA INCLUDED THEREIN. THE CORPORATIONS MAKE NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED BY LICENSEE, OWNERS OF THE PRODUCTS, OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FROM THE USE OF THE INDICES OR ANY DATA INCLUDED THEREIN. THE CORPORATIONS MAKE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE WITH RESPECT TO THE INDICES OR ANY DATA INCLUDED THEREIN. WITHOUT LIMITING ANY OF THE FOREGOING, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CORPORATIONS HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.

XACT Norden 30 är inte i något avseende garanterad, godkänd, emitterad eller understödd av OMX AB (publ) (”OMX”) eller Oslo Børs ASA (”OB”) och OMX eller OB lämnar inga, vare sig uttryckliga eller implicita, garantier med avseende på de resultat som användningen av VINX30™ index kan ge upphov till eller med avseende på värdet av VINX30™ index vid viss tidpunkt. VINX30™ index sammanställs och beräknas av en indexberäknare på uppdrag av OMX och OB. OMX eller OB respektive indexberäknaren skall i intet fall vara ansvarig för fel i VINX30™ index. OMX eller OB respektive indexberäknaren skall ej heller vara skyldig att meddela eller offentliggöra eventuella fel i VINX30™ index. VINX™ och VINX30™ index är varumärken tillhörande OMX och OB och används enligt licens från OMX eller OB.

XACT OBX är inte i något avseende garanterad, godkänd, emitterad eller understödd av Oslo Børs ASA (”Oslo Børs”) och Oslo Børs lämnar inga, vare sig uttryckliga eller implicita, garantier med avseende på de resultat som användningen av Oslo Børs index kan ge upphov till eller med avseende på värdet av nämnda index vid viss tidpunkt. Vidare ger Oslo Børs inga garantier för handeln eller användarvänlighet för ett bestämt ändamål eller användning vad gäller Oslo Børs index eller Oslo Børs varumärken. Oslo Børs index sammanställs och beräknas av en indexproducent som beräknar indexen på Oslo Børs vägnar och Oslo Børs ger inga garantier för noggrannheten och/eller fullständigheten av Oslo Børs index eller data som ingår i dessa. Oslo Børs och den som beräknar index skall i intet fall (varken vid oaktsamhet eller annat) vara ansvarig för fel i Oslo Børs index, och skall inte heller vara skyldig att meddela eller offentliggöra eventuella fel i dessa index. OBX®, OSEBX®, OSEFX®, OSEAX® och GFBX® är varumärken tillhörande Oslo Børs och används av Handelsbanken Fondforvaltning AS enligt licens från Oslo Børs.

XACT Obligation and XACT Råvaror

Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) (the ”Index Owner”) is not liable for loss or damage resulting from Swedish or foreign legislative enactment, actions of Swedish or foreign authorities, war, power failure, telecommunication failure, fire, water damage, strike, blockade, lockout, boycott, or other similar circumstances outside the control of the Index Owner. The reservation with respect to strikes, blockade, lockout and boycott also applies if the Index Owner adopts or is the object of such conflict measures. The Index Owner is not responsible in any circumstance for loss of data, non-payment of profits or other indirect damage. The Index Owner provides no express or implied warranties regarding the results which may be obtained as a consequence of the use of the Index or regarding the value of the Index at any given time. The Index Owner shall in no case be liable for errors or defects in the Index nor obligated to provide notice of, or publish, errors in the Index.

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Oct. 24 crypto market update & Performance attribution Hashdex Crypto Index ETPs



Please find below Hashdex monthly crypto market update and performance attribution for Hashdex Crypto-Index ETPs for October 2024.

Please find below Hashdex monthly crypto market update and performance attribution for Hashdex Crypto-Index ETPs for October 2024.

With October often showing strong seasonality for crypto assets, this month’s results reflect a promising trend for Bitcoin, although gains were more limited across Altcoins. As outlined in our latest CIO note, “Beyond Trump and Harris: Five Congressional Races That May Impact Crypto’s Future”, several upcoming US congressional races could shape the regulatory landscape for crypto, with potential implications for institutional adoption and future price action. Bipartisan support for the asset class is expected to grow, depending on the results of key races.

We will share some updates during the week, if you need any inputs on US elections, feel free to reach out to us.

Hashdex Crypto Index ETPs: performances (USD) as of end of October 24

Beta Index ETP Nasdaq Crypto Index ETP (HASH or HDX1) (largest Crypto Index ETP in Europe): October +7.1%, YTD +45%, 12M +89%.

• Smart-Beta Index ETP – Crypto Momentum Index ETP (HAMO or HDXM): October -0.5%, YTD +1.2%, 12M +71%.

Market Update – October 24

October, commonly known as ”Uptober” for its seasonally strong performance for Bitcoin, continued this trend in 2024. The month began with a volatile period, as the Nasdaq Crypto Index (NCI) initially gave back gains from September. All NCI constituents declined in the first ten days, with the exception of Uniswap, which announced plans for its own layer-two network on Ethereum.

Mid-month, the sentiment shifted, with a sharp rally that drove Bitcoin close to its all-time high by the 29th. The NCI ultimately closed the month up 7.1%, significantly outpacing traditional markets as both the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 declined slightly. This rally coincided with a sharp increase in former president Donald Trump’s odds in election betting markets, generating additional optimism around Bitcoin.

While Bitcoin posted a robust 10.6% gain, Altcoins generally underperformed. The notable positive exception among altcoins was Solana, which rose 9.0%. In contrast, Ripple declined 18.6% due to ongoing SEC litigation, and Polygon’s MATIC dropped over 20% as it migrated to a new token model (POL).

Nasdaq Crypto Index (NCI) relative to other asset class in October 24

Source: Hashdex, as of 30/10/24.

In comparison with traditional assets, the NCI’s 7.1% gain far outpaced the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100, both of which posted slight declines. This performance underscores the potential for crypto assets to provide upside during periods of broader market uncertainty. The majority of this outperformance was driven by Bitcoin’s strength, underscoring its role as a cornerstone of the crypto asset class and its growing appeal as a macroeconomic hedge.

Performance attribution:

Nasdaq Crypto Index (NCI)

The NCI recorded positive returns for most of its primary constituents, with Bitcoin (+10.6%) leading the gains. Solana (SOL) also contributed positively, rising 9.0%. However, Ripple (XRP) and Polygon’s MATIC weighed on the index, with losses of 18.6% and over 20%, respectively. Ripple’s decline was largely attributed to ongoing legal issues with the SEC, while MATIC’s transition to the POL token created additional downward pressure.

Source: Hashdex, as of 31/10/24.

Crypto Momentum Factor Index

The Crypto Momentum Factor Index showed a slight monthly decline of 0.5% in October, reflecting the underperformance of altcoins in general. Although Tron (TRX) remained relatively stable, other altcoins in the index faced headwinds, leading to a small monthly loss for the index.

Source: Hashdex, as of 31/10/24.

Correlation (3m) to traditional asset classes

Source: Hashdex, as of 31/10/24. NCI for Nasdaq Crypto Index.

Hashdex Nasdaq Crypto Index ETP

Largest Crypto Index ETP in Europe, AUM ~$400m

ISIN: CH1184151731 / Tickers: HASH (SIX and Euronext) or HDX1 (Xetra) – tradable in USD, EUR, CHF and GBP

Hashdex Crypto Momentum Factor ETP

ISIN: CH1218734544 / Tickers: HAMO (SIX and Euronext) or HDXM (Xetra) – tradable in USD, EUR, CHF and GBP

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GSGR ETF investerar i gröna obligationer från hela världen



Goldman Sachs Global Green Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) (GSGR ETF) med ISIN IE000SYQFJV2strävar efter att spåra Solactive Global Green Bond Select-index. Solactive Global Green Bond Select-index följer gröna obligationer. Alla löptider ingår. Betyg: Investment Grade.

Goldman Sachs Global Green Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) (GSGR ETF) med ISIN IE000SYQFJV2strävar efter att spåra Solactive Global Green Bond Select-index. Solactive Global Green Bond Select-index följer gröna obligationer. Alla löptider ingår. Betyg: Investment Grade.

Den börshandlade fondens TER (total cost ratio) uppgår till 0,22 % p.a. Goldman Sachs Global Green Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) är den enda ETF som följer Solactive Global Green Bond Select-indexet. ETFen replikerar det underliggande indexets prestanda genom fullständig replikering (köper alla indexbeståndsdelar). Ränteintäkterna (kuponger) i ETFen delas ut till investerarna (halvårsvis).

Denna ETF lanserades den 13 februari 2024 och har sin hemvist i Irland.


Goldman Sachs Global Green Bond UCITS ETF är en passivt förvaltad, hållbar global obligationsfond som uteslutande investerar i gröna obligationer enligt bedömningen av Goldman Sachs Asset Managements investeringsteam för gröna obligationer.


Goldman Sachs Global Green Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist) (GSGR ETF) är en börshandlad fond (ETF) som handlas på London Stock Exchange.

London Stock Exchange är en marknad som få svenska banker och nätmäklare erbjuder access till, men DEGIRO gör det.


London Stock ExchangeEURGSGR
SIX Swiss ExchangeEURGSGR

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Microsoft considers bitcoin, UBS launches tokenized fund, and MicroStrategy will buy $42B in BTC



Crypto markets faced a volatile week as key macroeconomic events approached, with the upcoming US presidential election and anticipated Fed rate decision fueling uncertainty in risk assets. Bitcoin (BTC) rose 1.7%, ether (ETH) declined 1%, Solana (SOL) fell 8.2%, and the Nasdaq Crypto IndexTM (NCITM) was down 0.5%.

Crypto markets faced a volatile week as key macroeconomic events approached, with the upcoming US presidential election and anticipated Fed rate decision fueling uncertainty in risk assets. Bitcoin (BTC) rose 1.7%, ether (ETH) declined 1%, Solana (SOL) fell 8.2%, and the Nasdaq Crypto IndexTM (NCITM) was down 0.5%.

Microsoft to consider bitcoin investment starting December

According to a new SEC filing, Microsoft is considering the possibility of investing in Bitcoin as a hedge strategy against inflation despite opposition from its Board of Directors. This move, by one of the world’s largest companies, would mark a significant step in institutional adoption for Bitcoin.

MicroStrategy discloses plans to buy $42B of BTC

The firm announced bold plans to raise $42 billion over the next three years to acquire more bitcoin. This new wave of capital will be split equally, with $21 billion from equity issuance and $21 billion from debt offerings, in a project called the ”21/21” plan. This move, led by founder Michael Saylor, underscores bitcoin’s potential as a valuable hedge against inflation and highlights its appeal as a strategic investment option.

UBS launches its first tokenized fund on Ethereum

UBS Asset Management has launched its first tokenized fund, the USD Money Market Investment Fund Token (uMINT), a money market fund built on the Ethereum blockchain, available through authorized partners. The launch supports the growing demand for tokenized financial assets and leverages distributed technology to enhance fund issuance and distribution, as well as UBS’s broader strategy to expand its tokenization services.

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