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Mexico’s post-election potential and investment opportunities



Given Mexico’s vast potential and President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum’s track record of progress during her time as mayor of Mexico City, Franklin Templeton’s Dina Ting thinks that investors should be monitoring opportunities to enter this compelling market.

Given Mexico’s vast potential and President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum’s track record of progress during her time as mayor of Mexico City, Franklin Templeton’s Dina Ting thinks that investors should be monitoring opportunities to enter this compelling market.

Just how well—or not so well—Mexico’s President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum may be able to tackle the country’s prevailing challenges is still up for debate. Sheinbaum’s commanding margin of victory in the June election discouraged some investors amid fears that her ruling Morena party could potentially push through constitutional reforms that may adversely impact Mexico’s business environment.

Since the outcome of the US presidential election will remain undecided for a month after Sheinbaum takes office in October, we expect Mexico’s equity markets to experience more short-term market volatility. But given Mexico’s ongoing potential to capitalize on nearshoring investments and Sheinbaum’s track record of progress during her time as mayor of Mexico City (beginning in 2018), we think investors should be monitoring opportunities to enter this compelling market. We believe a continuation of US macro drivers are still poised to drive Mexican exports. Although US appetite for Chinese imports was still high even as recently as 2022, the drop-off in trade with China since then has benefited Mexico, which recently eclipsed both China and Canada to become the biggest US trade partner.

Mexico’s first female president

A protégé of outgoing President López Obrador (or AMLO as he is known), Sheinbaum has pledged to continue along the political course of her predecessor. But as a climate scientist with a Ph.D. in environmental engineering, she appears to us to be more attuned to pressing issues, such as Mexico’s water woes and efforts toward the energy transition. She has demonstrated deep, technical expertise and perspective on vital issues—“not simply as stewardship of natural resources, but also as an issue interconnected with education, social justice, health care, housing and infrastructure,” according to the think tank Atlantic Council.

There is hope that the public-private partnerships that Sheinbaum advanced during her time as Mexico City’s mayor could be a model that she adopts and adapts in her new administration to increase the number of strategic projects. These may include opening natural gas production and transportation to private participants, boosting infrastructure and more renewable energy projects that are critical for Mexico to take advantage of nearshoring-related investment opportunities.

Since renewables like solar and wind currently make up only about 12% of the electricity mix in Mexico (significantly lagging the 16% share for the United States), there is great potential for the country’s clean energy buildout. Sheinbaum has pledged to change course from AMLO in her approach to speeding the promotion of renewable energies with a US$13.6 billion investment plan through 2030 that includes pioneering development of smart grids and other green technologies. Experts have praised Sheinbaum’s methodical approach to governance, for example, bringing stability and predictability to regulatory frameworks with her technical background and reliance on seasoned advisors.

Among some of the moderate-to-high risks for Mexico is public security and crime. Here again, Sheinbaum’s approach in working with US counterparts during her tenure in Mexico City has been applauded. Her cabinet picks for key positions thus far present an even gender distribution and draw from academia and her mayoral administration—in a bid to repeat the successes in crime-fighting she achieved during her years as mayor. These include veteran politicians Omar Garcia Harfuch for Security Minister, Marcelo Ebrard for Secretary of Economy and Alicia Barcena for Secretary of Foreign Affairs.

Mexico poised for economic growth

Over the near term, Mexico is expected to achieve a 2% growth rate—higher than its 20-year average.4 Although Mexico’s headline inflation accelerated beyond analyst expectations in June, its strong trend of domestic demand and high consumer confidence should also offer some economic momentum, in our opinion. For example, June auto sales were up 8.3% from a year earlier, according to government data.

It’s also important to recognize that Mexico is the second-highest receiver of remittances—transfers of money from migrants working abroad—in the world, behind only India. For the decade leading up to 2020, the percentage of households in Mexico that received remittances rose to 5.1% from 3.6% in 2010. Last year, remittances to Mexico notched a 7.6% increase, hitting a record US$63 billion, due to a strong US labor market.

Exhibit 1: Mexico Consumer Confidence

Exhibit 2: Mexico Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Forecast

Investors seeking exposure to Mexico’s market through broad emerging market indexes, like the MSCI Emerging Market (EM) Index, gain less than a 3% weighting to Mexico. And while China’s dominant share of the benchmark is lower now than in recent years, it still presents a 25% weighting, which may be more than investors want. In our opinion, single-country exchange-traded funds offer a compelling way for investors to layer targeted access to a country’s large- and mid-sized companies at a low cost.

As of the end of June, Mexico’s main benchmark stock index, the IPC, held a 33% weighting in the consumer staples sector. Materials and financial sector stocks make up the next biggest weighting at about 19% each.

As Mexico continues to play a larger role in global supply chains, investors should note corporate nearshoring progress as gauged by the country’s foreign direct investment (FDI) trends. At the end of 2023, Mexico ranked ninth among the world’s largest recipients of FDI, receiving investments of US$36 billion—about 2% more than in the prior year. Longer term, we believe nearshoring efforts, to diversify and improve the security of supply chains, remain a key tailwind for Mexico’s economy and markets.

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Trump’s inauguration day, BTC all-time high and the US election bullish effect



On January 20, 2025, bitcoin (BTC) reached a new all-time high, surpassing $109,000, and this milestone coincided with Donald Trump’s inauguration for his second term as U.S. President.

On January 20, 2025, bitcoin (BTC) reached a new all-time high, surpassing $109,000, and this milestone coincided with Donald Trump’s inauguration for his second term as U.S. President.

Historical trends show that BTC has performed exceptionally well in the 12 months following the past three U.S. elections. If history repeats, this could signal another bullish phase. With Trump’s pro-BTC stance and a U.S. Congress aligned on favorable digital regulation, the outlook for the coming months appears highly promising.

Source: Hashdex Research with data from Messari (from November 6, 2012 to January 19, 2025).

MARKET HIGHLIGHTS | Jan 13 2025 – Jan 19 2025

Bitcoin-backed loans enabled on Coinbase’s L2

• Now customers can borrow USDC in the new base’s lending protocol by using bitcoin as collateral.

• This underscores the importance of onchain innovations as the pillar for future adoption of blockchain technology, in this case enhancing personal finance to be more decentralized and intuitive in a permissionless etho..

ETF filings reiterate bullish regulatory tailwinds

• As Donald Trump’s inauguration approaches, several asset managers have filed applications for new crypto ETF products, including those focused on assets like LTC and XRP.

• This reflects optimism for 2025’s crypto regulations and their potential to transform the regulated products landscape.

Trump to make crypto top priority in US agenda

• U.S. President-elect Donald Trump allegedly plans to issue an executive order making crypto a national policy priority and establishing an advisory council.

• The announcement signals that crypto has gained political importance. Even if not all promises are met, crypto has already crossed the chasm.


The Nasdaq Crypto Index™

This week saw a significant rise in digital assets as the market awaits Trump’s inauguration, with the NCI™ (+15.3%) outperforming all traditional asset classes. The NCI™ (+13.2%) also outperformed BTC (+12.1%), highlighting the value of diversification in a volatile market. The performance was positively impacted by SOL’s strong 46.3% gain, while ETH’s underwhelming 3.0% growth had a dampening effect.

Source: Hashdex Research with data from CF Benchmarks and Bloomberg (from December 31, 2024 to January 19, 2025).

It was a strong week for the NCI™ , with SOL leading the pack (among others, like XRP and LINK), surging 46.3%, while BTC (12.1%) and ETH (3.0%) lagged behind. This price action seems driven by excitement around Trump’s inauguration and the crypto-friendly environment his promises suggest.

Source: Hashdex Research with data from Messari (from January 12, 2025 to January 19, 2025).

Indices tracked by Hashdex

Source: Hashdex Research with data from CF Benchmarks and Vinter (from January 19, 2024 to January 19, 2025).

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AXA IM antar SDR-märkningar för tre aktiefonder i Storbritannien



AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) kommer att anta en "Sustainability Impact"-märkning för AXA People & Planet Equity-fonden, och två "Sustainabiltity Imrover"-etiketter för AXA UK Sustainable Equity och AXA Global Sustainable Managed-fonderna, under FCA:s UK Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) system.

AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) kommer att anta en ”Sustainability Impact”-märkning för AXA People & Planet Equity-fonden, och två ”Sustainabiltity Imrover”-etiketter för AXA UK Sustainable Equity och AXA Global Sustainable Managed-fonderna, under FCA:s UK Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) system.

AXA IM ansluter sig till ett antal företag för att anta en ”Sustainability Impact”-märkning och är en av de första investeringsförvaltarna att meddela att de har antagit ”Sustainability Imrover”-märkningen för två av sina fonder.

Fonderna AXA UK Sustainable Equity och AXA Global Sustainable Managed kommer att fortsätta att sträva efter både finansiella och hållbarhetsmål, med syfte att stödja övergången till en koldioxidfri ekonomi till 2025.

AXA People & Planet-fonden kommer att anta märkningen ”Sustainability Impact” och kommer att fortsätta att försöka skapa positiva miljömässiga och samhälleliga effekter inom tre teman, (i) övergången till en ekonomi med låga koldioxidutsläpp, (ii) skydda biologisk mångfald och (iii) stödja sociala framsteg för alla.

Jane Wadia, Head of Sustainability, Core Products & Clients på AXA IM sa: ”Vi är glada över att vara en tidig användare av FCA:s SDR-märkningssystem genom att implementera etiketter för dessa tre fonder. Detta understryker styrkan i vår hållbara investeringsstrategi och AXA IM:s engagemang för att stödja övergången till en ekonomi med lägre koldioxidutsläpp.

”Impactinvesteringar är en växande kategori inom det ansvarsfulla investeringslandskapet, och vi betraktar börsnoterade aktier som en tillgångsklass som ger ett överflöd av potentiella investeringsmöjligheter för investerare som vill generera ekonomisk avkastning och positiva verkliga resultat på global skala. Märket kommer att tjäna till att särskilja våra hållbara produkter inom vårt brittiska fondsortiment och därigenom förenkla uppdraget för kunder som söker hållbara investeringsmöjligheter.”

AXA IM har som mål att följa övergången till en mer hållbar framtid genom att behålla sin avancerade position inom ansvarsfulla investeringar och fortsätta att utveckla ett distinkt branschledande kapitalförvaltningserbjudande.

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HSDD ETF köper aktier i hållbara företag från den utvecklade världen



HSBC Developed World Sustainable Equity UCITS ETF USD (Dist) (HSDD ETF) med ISIN IE000ZGT8JM8, försöker följa FTSE Developed ESG Low Carbon Select-index. FTSE Developed ESG Low Carbon Select-index spårar stora och medelstora värdepapper från utvecklade marknader över hela världen. Indexet syftar till att minska koldioxidutsläppen och fossilbränsleförbrukningen med 50 procent vardera och att förbättra ESG-betyget (environmental, social and governance) med 20 procent, jämfört med dess moderindex (FTSE Developed index). Undantagna sektorer och företag: vapen, termiskt kol, tobak, kärnkraft, bristande efterlevnad av FNs Global Compact.

HSBC Developed World Sustainable Equity UCITS ETF USD (Dist) (HSDD ETF) med ISIN IE000ZGT8JM8, försöker följa FTSE Developed ESG Low Carbon Select-index. FTSE Developed ESG Low Carbon Select-index spårar stora och medelstora värdepapper från utvecklade marknader över hela världen. Indexet syftar till att minska koldioxidutsläppen och fossilbränsleförbrukningen med 50 procent vardera och att förbättra ESG-betyget (environmental, social and governance) med 20 procent, jämfört med dess moderindex (FTSE Developed index). Undantagna sektorer och företag: vapen, termiskt kol, tobak, kärnkraft, bristande efterlevnad av FNs Global Compact.

Den börshandlade fondens TER (total cost ratio) uppgår till 0,18 % p.a. HSBC Developed World Sustainable Equity UCITS ETF USD (Dist) är den billigaste ETF som följer FTSE Developed ESG Low Carbon Select-index. ETFen replikerar det underliggande indexets prestanda genom full replikering (köper alla indexbeståndsdelar). Utdelningarna i ETFen delas ut till investerarna (Minst årligen).

HSBC Developed World Sustainable Equity UCITS ETF USD (Dist) är en liten ETF med tillgångar på 39 miljoner euro under förvaltning. Denna ETF lanserades den 26 juli 2022 och har sin hemvist i Irland.


Fonden strävar efter att så nära som möjligt följa avkastningen för FTSE Developed ESG Low Carbon Select Index (indexet). Fonden kommer att investera i eller få exponering mot aktier i företag som utgör indexet. Fonden är kvalificerad enligt artikel 8 i SFDR.


Indexet strävar efter att uppnå en minskning av koldioxidutsläppen och exponeringen av fossila bränslereserver samt en förbättring av FTSE Russells ESG-betyg. Indexet strävar efter att uppnå en minskning av koldioxidutsläppen och exponeringen av fossila bränslereserver; och en förbättring av FTSE Russells ESG-betyg jämfört med moderindex. Det utesluter aktier i företag med exponering för: tobak, termisk kolutvinning, elproduktion, hasardspel, vuxenunderhållning och kontroversiella vapen.

Indexet tillämpar även bland annat United Nations Global Compacts uteslutningskriterier. Fonden kommer att förvaltas passivt och kommer att sträva efter att investera i bolagens aktier i generellt sett samma proportion som i indexet. Fonden kan investera upp till 35 % i värdepapper från en enda emittent under exceptionella marknadsförhållanden. Fonden kan investera upp till 10 % i fonder och upp till 10 % i totalavkastningsswappar och contracts for difference.


HSBC Developed World Sustainable Equity UCITS ETF USD (Dist) (HSDD ETF) är en börshandlad fond (ETF) som handlas på London Stock Exchange.

London Stock Exchange är en marknad som få svenska banker och nätmäklare erbjuder access till, men DEGIRO gör det.


London Stock ExchangeGBPHSDS
London Stock ExchangeUSDHSDD

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