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In the Spotlight, Cheung Kong Property Holdings Ltd



SPUNdamentals. Spin-Off Research and Analysis. In the Spotlight, Cheung Kong Property Holdings Ltd September 2015

SPUNdamentals. Spin-Off Research and Analysis. In the Spotlight, Cheung Kong Property Holdings Ltd September 2015

SPUNdamentals provides spin-off research insights from Horizon Kinetics, LLC. The firm has produced spin-off research since 1996, andbegan covering international spin-offs in 2010. Horizon Kinetics Global Spin-Off Index (GSPIN), the underlying index of Market Vectors® Global Spin-Off ETF (SPUN), was launched in April 2014.

About SPUN

SPUN seeks to replicate GSPIN, a rules-based, equal-weighted index intended to track the performance of listed, publicly-held spin-offs that are domiciled and trade in the U.S. or developed markets of Western Europe and Asia.

In the Spotlight: Cheung Kong Property Holdings Ltd.

Written by Horizon Kinetics’ Research Analysts and CFA Charterholders Ryan Casey and Salvator Tiano, who bring more than 20 years of combined industry experience to their research roles focusing on domestic and international spin-offs.

Spin-Off Company: Cheung Kong Property Holdings Ltd. (Ticker: 1113 HK)
Parent Company: CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd. (Ticker: 1 HK)
Spin-off Date: June 2, 2015
GSPIN Index Inclusion Date: July 1, 2015

Cheung Kong Property Holdings Ltd. (“Cheung Kong Property”) (Ticker: 1113 HK) was spun off from CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd. (Ticker: 1 HK) in June 2015, the latter being the result of a merger between Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd. and its publicly traded subsidiary Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. The spin-off of Cheung Kong Property separates the real estate assets of Cheung Kong Holdings and Hutchison Whampoa from the remaining conglomerate and will create a pure-play real estate business that we believe should garner a market valuation more reflective of its asset value. The businesses of CK Hutchison Holdings will span utilities, transportation assets, telecommunications, port services, and energy. We expect Li Ka-shing, the richest man in Asia, to continue to own 30% of both entities.
Cheung Kong Property Holdings operates under four segments: property sales, property rentals, hotels and serviced suites, and property and project management. The first segment derives its revenue from the development and sale of real estate, particularly residential properties.

The property rental segment generates stable and recurring income from a portfolio of premium commercial real estate located primarily in Hong Kong. Hotels and serviced suites comprise properties in Hong Kong, China, and the Bahamas that are held for short-term leases. The company also owns equity interests in a number of publicly traded real estate investment trusts.

At the time of the spin-off, the company’s real estate portfolio was appraised at a market value of HKD420 billion,1 yet it is recorded on the balance sheet at a value of only HKD275 billion. By making this adjustment, one finds that the current share price represents a 35% discount to net asset value, thus allowing investors to purchase this real estate portfolio at an attractive price and potentially benefit from the value created by future development projects. Though the headwinds facing the Chinese economy are real and may well impact fundamentals for the China- and Hong Kong-based real estate assets, we believe the discount to net asset value at which the shares currently trade appears excessive.

1As appraised by various real estate brokers, including DTZ.
As of August 31, 2015, Cheung Kong Property Holdings Ltd. represented 1.2% of SPUN’s total net assets.

View Current SPUN Fund Holdings

View Current GSPIN Index Holdings

SPUNMarket Vectors Global Spin-Off ETF

Capture the Full Potential of Spin-Offs Globally
Key Features:

•    Spin-off investing is an established event-driven strategy
•    Global index coverage
•    Early, long-term stock positions allow index to capture full spin-off cycle

SPUN Details


Expenses for SPUN are capped contractually at 0.55% until at least 2/01/17. Cap excludes certain expenses, such as interest.

SPUNdamentals är producerat av Van Eck och publiceras i samarbete och med tillstånd på ETFSverige.se


The views and opinions expressed are those of Horizon Kinetics’ Ryan Casey and Salvator Tiano. The views and opinions are subject to change with market conditions and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Van Eck Global. The views are provided for informational purposes only, are not meant as investment advice and are subject to change.Current market conditions may not continue. Non-Van Eck Global proprietary information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Horizon Kinetics. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. All economic and performance information referenced is historical and is no guarantee of future results.

Market Vectors Global Spin-Off ETF (SPUN) is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Horizon Kinetics, LLC. Horizon Kinetics, LLC makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, to the owners of Market Vectors Global Spin-Off ETF or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities generally or in Market Vectors Global Spin-Off ETF.

The Horizon Kinetics Global Spin-Off Index (the “Index” or “GSPIN”) was created by Horizon Kinetics, parent company to Horizon Asset Management LLC and Kinetics Asset Management LLC, among others. Indxx, LLC, a third party, has a contractual arrangement with Horizon Kinetics; whereby, it has agreed to calculate certain Index components. The Index was launched in April 2014.

Nothing contained herein constitutes a solicitation to purchase or offer to sell securities or other investment products. The material herein is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment recommendations or investment advice. Inclusion of a security within the Index is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold such security. Any returns or performance provided within any document or link is provided for illustrative purposes only. It is not possible to invest directly in the Index. Exposure to a specified asset class or strategy represented by the Index is only available through investable instruments based on the Index. Horizon Kinetics may receive compensation in connection with licensing the Index or through other use of the Index. There is no assurance that investment products based on the Index will accurately track index performance or provide positive investment returns. Any decision to invest in any investment fund or other vehicle should only be considered after reviewing such fund’s most recent prospectus or other disclosure document and carefully considering the risks associated such investment.

All indices listed are unmanaged indices and do not reflect the payment of transaction costs, advisory fees or expenses that are associated with an investment in the Fund. An index’s performance is not illustrative of the Fund’s performance. Indices are not securities in which investments can be made.

Fund shares are not individually redeemable and will be issued and redeemed at their Net Asset Value (NAV) only through certain authorized broker-dealers in large, specified blocks of shares called “creation units” and otherwise can be bought and sold only through exchange trading. Creation units are issued and redeemed principally in kind. Shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV in the secondary market.

An investment in the Fund may be subject to risks which include, among others, risks associated with spun-off companies that may have limited liquidity, pricing inefficiencies, and may be more speculative in nature than established companies, all of which may adversely affect the Fund. Foreign investments, specifically those in Europe and Asia, are subject to risks, which include changes in economic and political conditions, foreign currency fluctuations, changes in foreign regulations, and changes in currency exchange rates which may negatively impact the Fund’s return. Small- and medium-capitalization companies may be subject to elevated risks. The Fund’s assets may be concentrated in a particular sector and may be subject to more risk than investments in a diverse group of sectors.

Investing involves substantial risk and high volatility, including possible loss of principal. Bonds and bond funds will decrease in value as interest rates rise. An investor should consider the investment objective, risks, charges and expenses of the Fund carefully before investing.

To obtain a prospectus and summary prospectus, which contains this and other information, call 888.MKT.VCTR or visit vaneck.com/etf. Please read the prospectus and summary prospectus carefully before investing.

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Aktiva ETFer från J.P. Morgans Research Enhanced Index-serie täcker alla regioner



Sedan i onsdags är åtta nya aktivt förvaltade börshandlade fonder utgivna av J.P. Morgan Asset Management säljbara via Xetra och Börse Frankfurt. J.P. Morgan AM utökar sitt produktsortiment för Research Enhanced Index Equity till att omfatta ytterligare regioner. De aktivt förvaltade ETFerna kombinerar en grundläggande forskningsmetod med indexförvaltning inom ett robust ESG-ramverk för att generera positiv överavkastning för investerare. REI-metoden utnyttjar många små övervikts- och underviktade positioner i aktier i förhållande till jämförelseindex, vilket ger möjlighet att överträffa index.

Sedan i onsdags är åtta nya aktivt förvaltade börshandlade fonder utgivna av J.P. Morgan Asset Management säljbara via Xetra och Börse Frankfurt. J.P. Morgan AM utökar sitt produktsortiment för Research Enhanced Index Equity till att omfatta ytterligare regioner. De aktivt förvaltade ETFerna kombinerar en grundläggande forskningsmetod med indexförvaltning inom ett robust ESG-ramverk för att generera positiv överavkastning för investerare. REI-metoden utnyttjar många små övervikts- och underviktade positioner i aktier i förhållande till jämförelseindex, vilket ger möjlighet att överträffa index.

JPM All Country Research Enhanced Index Equity Active UCITS ETF investerar i en portfölj av stora och medelstora företag på utvecklade och tillväxtmarknader världen över. Fonden strävar efter att ge en långsiktig avkastning över MSCI ACWI Index.

JPM Europe Research Enhanced Index Equity SRI Paris Aligned Active UCITS ETF investerar främst i en portfölj av europeiska företag som är i linje med målen i Paris klimatavtal. MSCI Europe SRI EU PAB Overlay ESG Custom Index fungerar som jämförelseindex.

JPM EUR High Yield Bond Active UCITS ETF riktar sig till investerare som är intresserade av obligationsmarknaden för högavkastande företagsobligationer. Den aktivt förvaltade fonden strävar efter att leverera en avkastning över ICE BofA Euro Developed Markets High Yield Constrained Index på lång sikt. För detta ändamål investerar man huvudsakligen i en portfölj av företagsobligationer noterade i euro med en klassificering av sub-investment grade. Dessutom emitteras obligationerna av emittenter som har hemvist i ett europeiskt land eller bedriver merparten av sin affärsverksamhet där.

De fyra nya ETFerna är tillgängliga i en ackumulerande och distribuerande andelsklass. JPM All Country Research Enhanced Index Equity Active UCITS ETF kan också investeras i basvalutan euro eller alternativt som en valutasäkrad andelsklass.

JPM All Country Research Enhanced Index Equity Active UCITS ETF – USD (acc)JRWAIE000A7N3IV00,25 %Ackumulerande
JPM All Country Research Enhanced Index Equity Active UCITS ETF – USD (dist)JRWUIE000JLILKH00,25 %Utdelande
JPM All Country Research Enhanced Index Equity Active UCITS ETF – EUR (acc)JREWIE000T4LTZ000,25 %Ackumulerande
JPM All Country Research Enhanced Index Equity Active UCITS ETF – EUR Hedged (acc)JRWEIE0001JABD690,25 %Ackumulerande
JPM Europe Research Enhanced Index Equity SRI Paris Aligned Active UCITS ETF – EUR (acc)JESEIE0003UN5CT10,25 %Ackumulerande
JPM Europe Research Enhanced Index Equity SRI Paris Aligned Active UCITS ETF – EUR (dist)JSDEIE000QOLLXO20,25 %Utdelande
JPM EUR High Yield Bond Active UCITS ETF – EUR (acc)JEYHIE000IEOQSJ30,45 %Ackumulerande
JPM EUR High Yield Bond Active UCITS ETF – EUR (dist)JEYEIE000YSJPNV80,45 %Utdelande

Produktutbudet i Deutsche Börses XTF-segment omfattar för närvarande totalt 2 326 ETFer. Med detta urval och en genomsnittlig månatlig handelsvolym på cirka 16 miljarder euro är Xetra den ledande handelsplatsen för ETFer i Europa.

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BNQC ETC spårar terminskontrakt på Brent Crude Oil



BNPP RICI Enhanced Brent Öl (TR) ETC (BNQC ETC) med ISIN DE000PB6R1B1, försöker följa RICI Enhanced Brent Crude Oil-index. RICI Enhanced Brent Crude Oil-index spårar priset på terminskontrakt på Brent Crude Oil.

BNPP RICI Enhanced Brent Öl (TR) ETC (BNQC ETC) med ISIN DE000PB6R1B1, försöker följa RICI Enhanced Brent Crude Oil-index. RICI Enhanced Brent Crude Oil-index spårar priset på terminskontraktBrent Crude Oil.

Denna ETCs TER (total cost ratio) uppgår till 1,00 % p.a. BNPP RICI Enhanced Brent Öl (TR) ETC är den största ETC som följer RICI Enhanced Brent Crude Oil-index. Denna ETC replikerar det underliggande indexets prestanda syntetiskt med en swap.

BNPP RICI Enhanced Brent Öl (TR) ETC är en mycket liten ETC med 5 miljoner euro förvaltade tillgångar. Denna ETC lanserades den 2 september 2016 och har sin hemvist i Nederländerna.


Securities identification number (German WKN)PB6R1B
BloombergBNQC GY
Currency hedgedNo
Roll optimizedYes
Physical deliveryNo
Total Return Yes
ExchangeFrankfurt Stock Exchange (Regulated Market – Xetra®), Stuttgart Stock Exchange
Trading periods08:15 am – 20:00 pm
Maturityopen end


BNPP RICI Enhanced Brent Öl (TR) ETC (BNQC ETC) är en europeisk börshandlad produkt. Denna ETC handlas på Deutsche Boerse Xetra.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETC genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRONordnet, Aktieinvest och Avanza.



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VALOUR RNDR SEK, en börshandlad produkt som spårar Render



Valour Render (RENDER) SEK (VALOUR RNDR SEK) with ISIN CH1108679288, är en börshandlad produkt (ETP) som spårar RENDER, den ursprungliga kryptovalutan i Render Network. Render utnyttjar blockchain-teknik för att decentralisera GPU-baserad rendering, vilket ger skapare kostnadseffektiv och skalbar tillgång till beräkningskraft för visuella effekter, spel och design.

Valour Render (RENDER) SEK (VALOUR RNDR SEK) with ISIN CH1108679288, är en börshandlad produkt (ETP) som spårar RENDER, den ursprungliga kryptovalutan i Render Network. Render utnyttjar blockchain-teknik för att decentralisera GPU-baserad rendering, vilket ger skapare kostnadseffektiv och skalbar tillgång till beräkningskraft för visuella effekter, spel och design.

Render-nätverket är designat för att stärka digital kreativitet och kopplar samman användare som söker renderingstjänster med GPU-ägare, vilket optimerar resurser och minskar kostnaderna. RENDER-tokens används för betalning och incitament för deltagare i nätverket, vilket möjliggör sömlöst samarbete över det kreativa ekosystemet. RENDER-innehavare stödjer en vision om decentraliserad datoranvändning, som främjar innovation och tillgänglighet inom den digitala konst- och underhållningsindustrin.


Valour’s Certificate-produktlinje erbjuder börshandlade produkter som uppfyller kraven, var och en helt säkrad av sina respektive digitala tillgångar. För att säkerställa säker kylförvaring samarbetar Valour med nivå 1-licensierade förvaringsinstitut som Copper. Handlade på reglerade börser och MTFer ger dessa certifikat transparent prissättning och likviditet, vilket stärker investerarnas förtroende för säkra digitala tillgångsinvesteringar. Valours grundprospekt är godkända av Finansinspektionen och uppfyller EUs krav på fullständighet, tydlighet och konsekvens.

NamnValour Render SEK
EmittentValour Inc


Valour Render (RENDER) SEK (VALOUR RNDR SEK) är en europeisk börshandlad produkt som handlas på bland annat Spotlight Stock Market.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETP genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRONordnet, Aktieinvest, Levler och Avanza.


Spotlight Stock MarketSEKVALOUR RNDR SEK

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