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Global X YieldCo Index ETF YLCO explained



Global X YieldCo Index ETF YLCO explained Global X CEO Bruno del Ama explains the ETF Providers YieldCo Index ETF YLCO.

Global X YieldCo Index ETF YLCO explained Global X CEO Bruno del Ama explains the ETF Providers YieldCo Index ETF YLCO.

Carefully consider the funds’ investment objectives, risk, and charges and expenses. This and other information can be found in the funds’ prospectus.

This information is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy shares of any Fund to any person in any jurisdiction in which an offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.

Shares are bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and are not individually redeemed from the Fund. Brokerage commissions will reduce returns.

Global X Management Company LLC serves as an advisor to Global X Funds. The Funds are distributed by SEI Investments Distribution Co. (SIDCO), which is not affiliated with Global X Management Company LLC. Global X Funds are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by Solactive AG, FTSE, Standard & Poors, NASDAQ, S-Network, Indxx, or MSCI nor do these companies make any representations regarding the advisability of investing in the Global X Funds. Neither SIDCO nor Global X is affiliated with Solactive AG, FTSE, Standard & Poors, NASDAQ, S-Network, Indxx, or MSCI.

Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal.

International investments may involve risk of capital loss from unfavorable fluctuation in currency values, from differences in generally accepted accounting principles, or from economic or political instability in other nations. Emerging markets involve heightened risks related to the same factors as well as increased volatility and lower trading volume. Greece’s economy is heavily dependent on the services sector and has a large public sector. Key trading partners are member states of the EU, most notably Germany, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom. Decreasing demand for Greek products and services or changes in governmental regulations on trade may have a significantly adverse effect on Greece’s economy. Greece’s ability to repay its sovereign debt is in question, and the possibility of default is not unlikely.

Securities focusing on a single country, small- and mid-capitalization companies, and narrowly focused investments may be subject to higher volatility.

There are additional risks associated with investing in base and precious metals as well as their respective mining industries.

Investments in securities in the Technology sector are subject to rapid changes in technology product cycles; rapid product obsolescence; government regulation; and increased competition, both domestically and internationally, including competition from foreign competitors with lower production costs. Technology companies and companies that rely heavily on technology tend to be more volatile than the overall market, and are also heavily dependent on patent and intellectual property rights.

Preferred stock is subject to many of the risks associated with debt securities, including interest rate risk. As interest rates rise, the value of the preferred stocks held by the Fund are likely to decline. In addition, preferred stock may not pay a dividend, an issuer may suspend payment of dividends on preferred stock at any time, and in certain situations an issuer may call or redeem its preferred stock or convert it to common stock. High yielding stocks are often speculative, high risk investments. These companies can be paying out more than they can support and may reduce their dividends or stop paying dividends at any time, which could have a material adverse effect on the stock price of these companies.

Securities in the SOIL portfolio may be significantly subject to the effects of competitive pressures in the fertilizer industry and the price of fertilizer commodities. These prices may fluctuate substantially over short periods of time so SOIL`s share price may be more volatile than other types of investments. In addition, fertilizer companies may also be significantly affected by import controls, worldwide competition, liability for environmental damage, depletion of resources, and mandated expenditures for safety and pollution control devices.

SOCL invests in securities of companies engaged in the social media industry, including companies that provide social networking, file sharing, and other web-based media applications. The risks related to investing in such companies include disruption in service caused by hardware or software failure, interruptions or delays in service by third-party data center hosting facilities and maintenance providers, security breaches involving certain private, sensitive, proprietary and confidential information managed and transmitted by social media companies, and privacy concerns and laws, evolving Internet regulation and other foreign or domestic regulations that may limit or otherwise affect the operations of such companies. Furthermore, the business models employed by the companies in the social media industry may not prove to be successful.

Investments in securities of MLPs involve risk that differ from investments in common stock including risks related to limited control and limited rights to vote on matters affecting the MLP. MLP common units and other equity securities can be affected by macro-economic and other factors affecting the stock market in general, expectations of interest rates, investor sentiment towards MLPs or the energy sector, changes in a particular issuer’s financial condition, or unfavorable or unanticipated poor performance of a particular issuer (in the case of MLPs, generally measured in terms of distributable cash flow). The 13F filings used to select the securities in the Top Guru Holdings Index are filed by each hedge fund approximately 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter. Therefore a given hedge fund may have already sold its position by the time of the 13F filing. The selection of holdings is not based upon performance of the underlying hedge funds.

Bonds will lose value as interest rates rise.

PERM invests in gold ETFs/ETCs. The return from investments in gold will be derived solely from the price gains or losses from the commodity. Gold may also be significantly affected by developments in the gold mining industry and prices of gold may fluctuate sharply over short periods of time. REITs are particularly vulnerable to decline in the event of deflationary economic conditions, and are subject to interest rate risk, leverage risk, property risk and management risk. The Fund may hold ETFs. As a result, the Fund is subject to the same risks as the underlying ETFs.

Investments in securities of MLPs involve risk that differ from investments in common stock including risks related to limited control and limited rights to vote on matters affecting the MLP. The fund invests in the energy industry, which entails significant risk and volatility. MLP common units and other equity securities can be affected by macro-economic and other factors affecting the stock market in general, expectations of interest rates, investor sentiment towards MLPs or the energy sector, changes in a particular issuer’s financial condition, or unfavorable or unanticipated poor performance of a particular issuer (in the case of MLPs, generally measured in terms of distributable cash flow). Due to the nature of the Fund’s investments, the Fund will be subject to taxation on its taxable income. The NAV of Shares will also be reduced by the accrual of any deferred tax liabilities. The Underlying Index however is calculated without any deductions for taxes. As a result, the Fund’s after tax performance could differ significantly from the Underlying Index even if the pretax performance of the Fund and the performance of the Underlying Index are closely correlated. The fund is non-diversified. Certain distributions are expected to be treated as a return of capital for tax purposes rather than from net profits and shareholders should not assume that the source of distributions is from the net profits of the fund.

Bonds will lose value as interest rates rise. PERM invests in gold ETFs/ETCs. The return from investments in gold will be derived solely from the price gains or losses from the commodity. Gold may also be significantly affected by developments in the gold mining industry and prices of gold may fluctuate sharply over short periods of time. REITs are particularly vulnerable to decline in the event of deflationary economic conditions, and are subject to interest rate risk, leverage risk, property risk and management risk. The Fund may hold ETFs. As a result, the Fund is subject to the same risks as the underlying ETFs.

Global X and SEI Investments Distribution Co. do not sponsor the opinions or information presented in articles, nor do they assume liability for any loss that may result from relying on these opinions or information. The material is not intended as individual or personalized investment advice.

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ETF från BNP Paribas med tillgång till statsobligationer på tillväxtmarknader säkrade mot den australiska dollarn



Sedan i tisdags har en ny börshandlad fond utgiven av BNP Paribas Asset Management kunnat handlas via Xetra. Det är en ETF från BNP Paribas med tillgång till statsobligationer på tillväxtmarknader säkrade mot den australiska dollarn.

Sedan i tisdags har en ny börshandlad fond utgiven av BNP Paribas Asset Management kunnat handlas via Xetra. Det är en ETF från BNP Paribas med tillgång till statsobligationer på tillväxtmarknader säkrade mot den australiska dollarn.

BNP Paribas Easy JPM ESG EMBI Global Diversified Composite UCITS ETF erbjuder investerare tillgång till en brett diversifierad portfölj av statsobligationer och kvasi-statliga obligationer från tillväxtmarknader denominerade i US-dollar med fast eller rörlig ränta. ESG-kriterier beaktas vid valet av enskilda värdepapper enligt best-effort-metoden. Detta innebär att emittenter som har förbättrat sin ESG-praxis och prestanda över tid eller har goda chanser att göra det kommer att bli överviktade.

Andelsklassen är valutasäkrad mot den australiensiska dollarn. Investerare kan handla ETFXetra i valutan australiensiska dollar.

BNP Paribas Easy JPM ESG EMBI Global Diversified Composite UCITS ETF H AUD CapitalisationBJL5LU29294056400.25 per centaccumulatingJPM ESG EMBI Global Diversified Composite Index

Produktutbudet i Deutsche Börses XTF-segment omfattar för närvarande totalt 2 344 ETFer. Med detta urval och en genomsnittlig månatlig handelsvolym på cirka 18 miljarder euro är Xetra den ledande handelsplatsen för ETFer i Europa.

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Harbor Health Care UCITS ETF: 2025 hälsovårdsmöjligheter



Westfield Capital Managements managing partner Matthew Renna pratade med Proactive om Harbor Health Care UCITS ETF (WELL) och dess unika inställning till sjukvårdsinvesteringar. Renna lyfte fram fondens aktiva, koncentrerade strategi, som betonade möjligheter över hela hälso- och sjukvårdsspektrumet, från högkvalitativa tillväxtföretag till innovativa bioteknik- och medicinteknikföretag.

Westfield Capital Managements managing partner Matthew Renna pratade med Proactive om Harbor Health Care UCITS ETF (WELL) och dess unika inställning till sjukvårdsinvesteringar. Renna lyfte fram fondens aktiva, koncentrerade strategi, som betonade möjligheter över hela hälso- och sjukvårdsspektrumet, från högkvalitativa tillväxtföretag till innovativa bioteknik- och medicinteknikföretag.

Renna delade sin optimism för hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn och noterade att sjukvårdens S&P-vikt är på en lägsta nivå på 10 år, vilket skapar attraktiva upplägg för långsiktig tillväxt. Han sa, ”Hälsovården har en riktigt stor chans att överträffa marknaden. Det är ett bra tillfälle att ta en ny titt på möjligheterna.”

Genom att diskutera viktiga fokusområden redogjorde Renna för fondens investeringar i bioteknikföretag som Ascendis Pharma, som han noterade är nära lönsamhet och positionerat för betydande intäktsökning. På medicintekniksidan betonar fonden innovativa teknologier som de från Dexcom, som leder till kontinuerlig glukosövervakning för diabetes.

Konversationen tog också upp hälso- och sjukvårdens potentiella återväxt när teknik- och AI-sektorerna stabiliseras, vilket är ett övertygande argument för förnyat investerarintresse 2025 och därefter.

Handla W311 ETF

Harbor Health Care UCITS ETF (W311 ETF) är en europeisk börshandlad fond som handlas på bland annat London Stock Exchange och tyska Xetra.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRONordnet, SAVR och Avanza.

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Crypto responds to Trump’s Executive Order and Japan’s rate hike



The Bank of Japan's decision to double interest rates from 0.25% to 0.5% impacted the crypto market, though less significantly than the reaction in late July 2024. This rate hike, bringing interest levels to a 17-year high, appeared to be largely anticipated by the market, tempering the response of risk assets.

The Bank of Japan’s decision to double interest rates from 0.25% to 0.5% impacted the crypto market, though less significantly than the reaction in late July 2024. This rate hike, bringing interest levels to a 17-year high, appeared to be largely anticipated by the market, tempering the response of risk assets.

As mentioned in previous updates, corrections in Bitcoin are expected even during bull runs. However, it is encouraging to see signs of market maturity, leverage mitigation and reduced liquidity-driven reactions in such scenarios.

Market Highlights

Trump’s crypto executive order

Trump signed an EO titled ”Strengthening American leadership in digital financial technology”, following SEC’s new crypto task force.

This suggests a shift to a pro-crypto administration and a pivot in digital asset policy. It also showcases new US efforts to foster innovation and clarify its regulatory landscape.

US BTC ETFs more valuable than ever

After a seven-day inflow streak last week, BTC ETFs reached their highest value yet with over $123 billion in total net asset value.

This could be seen as a response to Trump’s executive order, highlighting the importance of the regulatory clarity that comes with it.

Assets resistance despite BoJ’s new rate hike

Assets avoided a meltdown after the Bank of Japan increased interest rates to the highest level since 2008, going from 0.25% to 0.5%.

This contrasts to last August’s meltdown and could indicate a more favorable environment. With less leverage in the system, the impact on liquid markets like crypto is likely to be lower during periods of stress.

Market Metrics

Trump’s executive order and other regulatory developments were overpowered by the BoJ’s rate hike, causing the NCITM (-1.7%) to close the week with a slight decline. However, it’s performance still leads other major asset classes, followed by EWZ (+8.1%) and Gold (+5.3%). This reinforces the notion that crypto has volatility even in the midst of bull runs, an important feature as this asset class matures.

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