Our 2024 predictions were fairly on point as the year saw macro and geopolitical volatility persist, with developed and select emerging markets benefiting from the year of artificial intelligence (AI) awareness.
My general sense is that 2025 may similarly feel like a transitional one, with a continuation of monetary policy easing in developed markets and the investment spotlight still shining on themes like AI, its supply chain, ecosystem and infrastructure. Of course, some residual US political uncertainty and continued geopolitical tensions remain ever-present to add some spice and volatility.
2025 ETF predictions
US and developed market equity ETFs will see an increase in assets under management (AUM).
This time last year, we were staring down the barrel of slowing global inflation and interest-rate cuts framed against a backdrop of weakening jobs data, suggesting a potentially hard landing for the US economy. While inflation has remained sticky through most of this year, labour markets have been increasingly resilient, suggesting the hard-landing narrative be cast aside (for now—more on this later).
Considering the entirety of 2024, the S&P 500 Index could very well end the year having seen more than 50 all-time highs reached throughout.1 The so-called “AI bull” of 2024 is showing telltale signs of chasing the red cape into 2025, with global mega-cap tech firms at the forefront and now broadening the investment case out to infrastructure growth to support the AI ecosystem.
Aside from those within the AI supply chain, multinational corporations that can either develop in-house solutions or effectively implement external tools should be able to benefit from productivity gains and reap the rewards of additional cash flow. This, together with continued developed market monetary policy easing, suggests investors may be wise to take the bull by the horns in 2025 and gain broad global exposure to this transformative developed market trend.
Single-country emerging market ETFs will outperform a broader allocation
Republicans and Donald Trump have scored victory in the US presidential race, resolving some of the uncertainty heading into 2025. Trump’s second term in office could lead to significant potential economic and market impacts, given the high tariff agenda of the Republican party. The agenda could heavily influence industry, most notably for the United States and China. Major name brands have pulled back in the region and continue to divert a considerable amount of production supply away from China and instead toward India, which doesn’t help China’s economy in the face of domestic demand debility.
President Xi Jingping’s most recent stimulus package came in response to China’s early year woes and cries for fiscal help, turning the tide in Chinese markets, which kicked off a healthy rally before the country’s equity markets subsequently suffered their worst fall in 27 years.2 One thing we believe is certain in 2025 is that the waters will continue to be choppy in the Far East. Therefore, we continue to be bullish on tech-heavy emerging market economies such as South Korea, Taiwan and, depending on any further bumper stimulus, China.
Additionally, our stance on India remains the same as last year, with the country and leadership focused on supportive government policies which include infrastructure development and free trade agreements. India’s narrative is shifting from “Is India the new China?” to “India is the new India!” Further growth is anticipated, owing to the country’s focus on technology and digitization coupled with its favorable demographics, growing middle class and healthy domestic consumption.
US and EU investment-grade corporate bond ETFs should be an AUM winner
Clearly, the economic “landing” story has been more drawn out than the data suggested when I made my ETF predications last year. However, conditions remain consistent: Inflation is falling, and most central banks are cutting interest rates. Nonetheless, the addition of another year of relative economic stability marked by low corporate defaults and circumstances indicative of optimistic company earnings, are helping the US economy potentially achieve a “soft landing” (A soft landing describes an economy slowing, allowing inflation to fall, without tipping into a recession). Historically a soft landing combined with continued easing has been a positive driver for both equity and bond markets. Against this backdrop, we maintain a more hands on approach to navigating fixed income and believe actively managed quality fixed income from both the US and eurozone (US and euro IG) will likely outperform over the coming 12 months.
Bitwise Asset Management Europachef Bradley Duke pratade med Proactive om Bitcoins resa 2024. Duke lyfte fram kryptovalutans årliga avkastning på 121 procent, vilket avsevärt överträffade traditionella tillgångar som S&P 500 och guld. Han diskuterade också Ethereums starka år och den bredare kryptovalutamarknadens 81 procent uppgång.
Duke tog upp Bitcoins framtid och utforskade både motvind och medvind. En stark amerikansk dollar, förklarade han, är för närvarande en stor utmaning, som minskar den globala penningmängden och undertrycker Bitcoins tillväxt. Duke pekade dock på medvindar på utbudssidan som halveringen 2024 och företag som antog Bitcoin som en finansiell tillgång, och förutspådde att dessa faktorer skulle kunna hjälpa Bitcoin att nå $200 000 i slutet av 2025.
Samtalet berörde också Bitwises senaste lansering av en Solana-satsning ETP. Duke beskrev hur produkten utnyttjar smart teknik för överlägsen prestanda och återinvesterar insatsbelöningar för att öka avkastningen.
BNP Paribas Easy ESG Low Volatility Europe UCITSETF (VLED ETF) med ISINLU1481201025, försöker följa BNP Paribas Low Vol Europe ESG-index. BNP Paribas Low Vol Europe ESG-index följer europeiska aktier med låg volatilitet. Aktierna som ingår filtreras enligt ESG-kriterier (miljö, social och bolagsstyrning).
Den börshandlade fondens TER (total cost ratio) uppgår till 0,31 % per år. BNP Paribas Easy ESG Low Volatility Europe UCITSETF är den billigaste ETF som följer BNP Paribas Low Vol Europe ESG-index. Denna ETF replikerar resultatet för det underliggande indexet syntetiskt med en swap. Utdelningarna i ETFen delas ut till investerarna (Årligen).
BNP Paribas Easy ESG Low Volatility Europe UCITSETF är en mycket liten ETF med 8 miljoner euro under förvaltning. Denna ETF lanserades den 31 januari 2017 och har sin hemvist i Luxemburg.
Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRO, Nordnet, Aktieinvest och Avanza.
36% of 800 professional investors surveyed by WisdomTree noted ‘diversification’ as their primary reason for holding gold[1]. Our analysis shows that gold has a low correlation with both equities and bonds and, thus, should contribute strongly to a diversification effort.
Figure 1: Correlations between assets
MSCI World All Country
S&P 500
Global Aggregate Bond
MSCI World All Country
S&P 500
Global Aggregate Bond
Source: Bloomberg, WisdomTree, Monthly data from November 1990 to November 2024. Commodity is Bloomberg Commodity Index, MSCI World All Country is a equity index, S&P 500 is a US equity index, Global Aggregate Bond is the Bloomberg GlobalAgg Index covering government, corporate and securitized fixed income, Gold is spot gold prices. Historical performance is not an indication of future performance and any investments may go down in value.
Gold behaves very differently to other assets. On the one hand, it is a defensive asset, often competing with bonds as a safe harbour against broader market volatility. On the other hand, it has cyclical traits because it rises in times of inflation, which is often generated in periods of strong economic growth. This duality of gold helps explain its low correlation with traditional assets.
Our survey respondents flagged ‘inflationhedge’ as the second most popular reason to hold gold (35%), followed by ‘financial market volatility hedge’ (31%) and ‘geopolitical volatility hedge’ (27%)[2].
Optimal holding of gold in a portfolio
Putting gold into a portfolio of other assets can increase a portfolio’s Sharpe ratio[3] and reduce worst 12-month performances[4]. We illustrate with an example based on data from 1973 to 2024.
We start with a portfolio of bonds (60%) and equities (40%) and no gold: that is the 0 point on the horizontal axis. The Sharpe ratio of this portfolio is 0.41 and the worst 12-month performance is -17%.
As we move along the horizontal axis we introduce some gold to the portfolio. The remainder of the portfolio maintains a 60/40 ratio of bonds to equities.
As we increase gold holdings, Sharpe ratios rise and worst 12-month performances decline, up to a point (before they deteriorate again).
The maximum Sharpe ratio (portfolio A) is achieved with 13% gold (where the remainder of the portfolio is 52% bonds and 35% equities). The Sharpe ratio is 0.45 in this portfolio.
The minimum worst 12-month performance (portfolio B) is achieved with 30% gold (where the remainder of the portfolio is 42% bonds and 28% equities). The worst 12-month performance is -13% in this portfolio.
Figure 2: Optimal gold holdings
Source: WisdomTree, Bloomberg. Period January 1973 to September 2024. Calculations are based on monthly returns in USD. The portfolio is rebalanced semi-annually. Equities are proxied by the MSCI World Gross Total Return Index and Fixed Income is proxied by the Bloomberg Barclays US Treasury Total Return Index. You cannot invest directly in an index. Above numbers include backtested data. Historical performance is not an indication of future performance and any investments may go down in value.
Our survey indicates that the mean average holding of gold is only 5.42%[5], well below the optimal to maximise the Sharpe ratio. In fact, less than 14% of investors surveyed[6] hold enough gold to maximise their Sharpe ratio (assuming equities and bonds are the mainstay of their portfolio).
Hedging risks
We established that investors hold gold to hedge various risks, but what is the market’s perception of those risks today and how could they evolve?
Financial market risks
Several metrics gauge market anxiety, including the VIX[7] and MOVE[8] alongside direct investor surveys. At present, none of these measures indicate immediate concern. However, risks can escalate rapidly, as seen in August 2024, when a yen carry trade unwind sparked fears across global financial markets.
With various equity indices reaching all-time highs—and concerns that these gains are heavily concentrated—many investors are seeking ways to hedge against a potential market reversal. Gold serves as a key tool in this context.
Economic risks
The global economy has shown resilience through the past cycle, with the likelihood of a recession in the next year considered low[9]. However, policy uncertainty remains a significant concern for many investors.
In the United States, a new administration has risen to power with a strong focus on trade policies. Should President-Elect Trump impose new tariffs, rather than using them as negotiation tools, it could pose challenges to global economic growth. In this scenario, gold may become a preferred asset for hedging these risks.
Geopolitical risks
Throughout 2024, gold prices were supported by heightened geopolitical tensions. The Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Hamas/Hezbollah conflicts dominated investor concerns. More recently, the fall of the Assad regime in Syria has created uncertainty, particularly for Russia, a key ally of Assad. Russia’s military bases in Syria now face an uncertain future, raising concerns about potential escalations.
In November 2024, Ukraine’s use of US and UK-supplied long-range missiles prompted retaliatory strikes from Russia. Coupled with amendments to Russia’s nuclear doctrine, fears of further escalation remain.
President-Elect Trump has promised a swift resolution to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. However, achieving this without significant concessions from Ukraine and NATO seems unlikely, suggesting that geopolitical risks may persist.
Iran, another key supporter of the Assad regime, faces a similarly precarious situation. The weakening of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Assad alliance undermines Iran’s regional influence. Additionally, the US may enforce sanctions against Iran more rigorously, which could prompt unpredictable responses from Tehran.
Despite speculative positioning in gold futures slipping slightly—from over 300,000 contracts net long in early October 2024 to just below that level today—the ongoing geopolitical tensions may drive positioning higher once again.
Professional investors rightly view gold as a hedge against inflation, financial market turbulence, economic stress, and geopolitical chaos. While some of these risks may not be at the forefront of investors’ concerns today, hedging against the potential escalation of tail risks remains highly valuable.
We also align with the surveyed investors’ belief that gold serves as an excellent portfolio diversifier. Our analysis confirms that incorporating gold into a portfolio enhances overall outcomes, improving returns while effectively managing risk.
This material is prepared by WisdomTree and its affiliates and is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research or investment advice, and is not a recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy. The opinions expressed are as of the date of production and may change as subsequent conditions vary. The information and opinions contained in this material are derived from proprietary and non-proprietary sources. As such, no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given and no responsibility arising in any other way for errors and omissions (including responsibility to any person by reason of negligence) is accepted by WisdomTree, nor any affiliate, nor any of their officers, employees or agents. Reliance upon information in this material is at the sole discretion of the reader. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
[1] WisdomTree Pan European Professional Investor Survey, June-July 2024, 800 respondents, conducted by Censuswide.
[2] Ibid. [3] The Sharpe ratio compares the return of an investment with its risk. It’s a mathematical expression of the insight that excess returns over a period of time may signify more volatility and risk, rather than investing skill.
[4] Similar risk concept to drawdowns but rather than look at peak to trough performance, we look at fixed 12-month declines.
[5] WisdomTree Pan European Professional Investor Survey, June-July 2024, 800 respondents, conducted by Censuswide.
[6] Ibid.
[7] The Chicago Board Options Exchange’s CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) is a market-implied measure of the volatility of the US equity market.
[8] Merrill Lynch Option Volatility Estimate (MOVE) index is a market-implied measure of the volatility of the US bond market.
[9] Bloomberg’s November/December surveys of professional economists shows the following (average) recession probabilities: US 25%; Euro Area 30%; China 10%; Japan 30%; UK 30%.