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En komplett lista på ETFer med månatlig utdelning



En komplett lista på ETFer med månatlig utdelning

En komplett lista på ETFer med månatlig utdelning. Att investera för att bygga upp inkomstflöden med hjälp av utdelningar har kommit att bli ett allt mer populärt tema under senaste tio åren. De låga räntorna har tvingat investerarna till att leta efter löpande inkomster på nya platser. I Sverige kommer utdelningen en gång per år, i USA är det vanligare att den kommer kvartalsvis, men det finns faktiskt ett antal börshandlade fonder som betalar månatliga utdelningar. Nedan har vi sammanställt en komplett lista på ETFer med månatlig utdelning.

Observera, alla dessa ETFer har ett månatligt utbetalningsschema, men på grund av unika strategier har inte alla dessa börshandlade fonder möjlighet att betala utdelning varje månad. All avkastning är omräknad till årsavkastning.


Majoriteten av de ETFer som betalat månatlig utdelning kommer från obligationsområdet som en handfull betala ut deras ränta till investerare 12 gånger per år:

ETFAssets (Millions)Yield
iShares Core Total US Bond Market ETF (AGG, A+)$16,9732.20%
Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Negative Duration Fund (AGND, n/a)$50.37%
iShares Barclays Agency Bond (AGZ, B+)$3771.26%
Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Zero Duration Fund (AGZD, n/a)$50.35%
WisdomTree Asia Local Debt ETF (ALD, B+)$3561.66%
iShares Utilities Sector Bond (AMPS, C+)$103.28%
Market Vectors Fallen Angel HY Bond ETF (ANGL, B)$175.35%
PIMCO Australia Bond Index ETF (AUD, B)$270.26%
WisdomTree Australia & NZ Debt (AUNZ, A)$331.57%
PowerShares Build America Bond (BAB, A-)$6704.85%
SPDR Nuveen Barclays Cap Build Amer Bd (BABS, C+)$483.92%
PIMCO Build America Bond ETF (BABZ, C)$218.10%
SPDR Barclays 1-3 Month T-Bill ETF (BIL, A)$1,0020.34%
Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF (BIV, A-)$3,6853.40%
PowerShares Senior Loan Port (BKLN, A-)$7,3464.14%
Vanguard Long-Term Bond Index ETF (BLV, B+)$6553.88%
Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND, A)$19,7742.40%
Total International Bond ETF (BNDX, n/a)$1,3162.39%
PIMCO Total Return ETF (BOND, B+)$3,3872.28%
Guggenheim BulletShares 2014 Corp Bond (BSCE, B+)$4160.87%
Guggenheim BulletShares 2015 Corp Bond (BSCF, A)$5731.15%
Guggenheim BulletShares 2016 Corp Bond (BSCG, A-)$6091.42%
Guggenheim BulletShares 2017 Corp Bond (BSCH, A-)$6131.82%
Guggenheim BulletShares 2018 Corp Bond (BSCI, B+)$3341.69%
Guggenheim BulletShares 2019 Corp Bond (BSCJ, B+)$1462.04%
Guggenheim BulletShares 2020 Corp Bond (BSCK, B)$1212.49%
Guggenheim BulletShares 2021 Corporate Bond ETF (BSCL, n/a)$472.25%
Guggenheim BulletShares 2022 Corporate Bond ETF (BSCM, n/a)$342.41%
Guggenheim BulletShares 2014 HY Crp Bond (BSJE, B+)$5093.54%
Guggenheim BulletShares 2015 HY Crp Bond (BSJF, A-)$9554.48%
Guggenheim BulletShares 2016 HY C Bd ETF (BSJG, B+)$5663.94%
Guggenheim BulletShares 2017 HY C Bd ETF (BSJH, B+)$3354.11%
Guggenheim BulletShares 2018 HY C Bd ETF (BSJI, A-)$2324.46%
BulletShares 2019 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (BSJJ, n/a)$502.15%
BulletShares 2020 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (BSJK, n/a)$262.31%
Vanguard Short-Term Bond ETF (BSV, A)$14,3351.27%
Germany Bond Index Fund (BUND, C)$31.12%
SPDR Barclays International Treasury Bd (BWX, A)$2,4091.56%
SPDR Barclays Short Term International Treasury Bond ETF (BWZ, A-)$2610.06%
PIMCO Canada Bond Index ETF (CAD, B)$171.29%
SPDR Barclays Cap Issuer Scd Corp Bond (CBND, B)$323.05%
iShares Emerging Markets Corporate Bond (CEMB, C+)$213.19%
iShares Barclays Credit Bond (CFT, A-)$8013.10%
Market Vectors Renminbi Bond ETF (CHLC, B-)$53.80%
iShares Barclays Intermediate Credit Bd (CIU, A)$5,7752.35%
iShares 10+ Year Credit Bond (CLY, B+)$3974.32%
iShares Barclays CMBS Bond (CMBS, A)$901.79%
iShares S&P CA AMT-Free Municipal Bd (CMF, A)$2663.01%
ProShares USD Covered Bond (COBO, B+)$70.93%
PIMCO Investment Grade Corp Bd Index ETF (CORP, B)$2056.78%
iShares Barclays 1-3 Year Credit Bond (CSJ, A)$12,9320.97%
SPDR Barclays Capital Convertible Secs (CWB, A-)$2,6453.21%
SPDR Nuveen Barclays Capital CA Muni Bd (CXA, A+)$784.96%
PowerShares Chinese Yuan Dim Sum Bond (DSUM, A)$1813.37%
SPDR Barclays Capital EM Local Bond ETF (EBND, A+)$981.99%
WisdomTree Emerging Markets Local Debt (ELD, B+)$8703.17%
EM Aggregate Bond ETF (EMAG, B)$224.65%
iShares JPMorgan USD Emerg Markets Bond (EMB, A-)$4,1124.17%
WisdomTree Emer Mkts Corporate Bond ETF (EMCB, B+)$1004.39%
SPDR BofA ML EM Corp Bd ETF (EMCD, B+)$185.10%
iShares Emerging Markets High Yield Bond (EMHY, C+)$1914.82%
Market Vectors EM Local Curr Bond ETF (EMLC, A)$8265.26%
iShares Industrials Sector Bond (ENGN, C+)$102.59%
WisdomTree Euro Debt (EU, A-)$51.67%
PIMCO 3-7 Year U.S. Treasury Index ETF (FIVZ, B)$131.51%
iShares Floating Rate Bond ETF (FLOT, A-)$3,5820.39%
SPDR Barclays Cap Inv Gr Floating Rt ETF (FLRN, B)$3550.52%
Market Vectors Investment Grade Floating Rate Bond ETF (FLTR, n/a)$980.59%
Short Duration U.S. Government ETF (FTSD, n/a)$280.93%
First Trust Senior Loan (FTSL, B-)$1813.82%
Madrona Global Bond ETF (FWDB, C+)$243.13%
iShares Barclays Government/Credit Bond (GBF, B)$1362.06%
ProShares German Sov / Sub-Sov Debt ETF (GGOV, B+)$61.65%
iShares Global High Yield Corporate Bond (GHYG, A)$924.58%
Guggenheim Enhanced Core Bond (GIY, C+)$52.79%
WisdomTree Global Corporate Bond (GLCB, C)$83.08%
Columbia Intermediate Municipal Bond ETF (GMMB, C)$52.78%
Columbia Core Bond ETF (GMTB, C)$52.35%
iShares Barclays GNMA Bond (GNMA, A-)$350.87%
iShares Barclays U.S. Treasury Bond (GOVT, A-)$1440.88%
Guggenheim Enhanced Short Dur Bond ETF (GSY, A)$7441.03%
iShares Glob Inflation-Linked Bond Fund (GTIP, B)$261.21%
iShares Barclays Interm Govt/Credit Bond (GVI, B+)$1,2971.59%
Sage Core Reserves ETF (HOLD, n/a)$370.15%
Market Vectors High-Yield Muni ETF (HYD, A-)$1,0095.92%
Market Vectors Emer Mkts Hi Yld Bond ETF (HYEM, A-)$3415.86%
iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corporate Bd (HYG, A)$12,7635.34%
High Yield Interest Rate Hedged ETF (HYHG, C)$1394.67%
Peritus High Yield ETF (HYLD, A-)$1,0217.55%
First Trust High Yield Long/Short ETF (HYLS, C+)$1735.68%
SPDR Nuveen S&P High Yield Municipal Bd (HYMB, B-)$2524.30%
PIMCO 0-5 Year Hi Yld Corp Bond Idx ETF (HYS, A-)$4,9934.50%
iShares Global ex USD High Yield Corp Bd (HYXU, A-)$1704.17%
iSharesBond 2018 Corporate ex-Financials Term ETF (IBCC, n/a)$1581.20%
iSharesBond 2020 Corporate ex-Financials Term ETF (IBCD, n/a)$491.83%
iSharesBond 2023 Corporate ex-Financials Term ETF (IBCE, n/a)$482.49%
iSharesBond 2016 Corporate Term ETF (IBDA, n/a)$300.70%
iShares 2018 Corporate Term ETF (IBDB, n/a)$461.36%
iSharesBond 2020 Corporate Term ETF (IBDC, n/a)$211.99%
iSharesBond 2023 Corporate Term ETF (IBDD, n/a)$162.39%
SPDR Barclays International Corporate Bd (IBND, B+)$3081.18%
iShares Barclays 7-10 Year Treasury (IEF, A-)$6,5291.71%
iShares 3-7 Year Treasury Bond ETF (IEI, A-)$3,0360.84%
TCW EM Intermediate Term Investment Grade Bond ETF (IEMF, n/a)$21.03%
Investment Grade Interest Rate Hedged ETF (IGHG, n/a)$771.71%
iShares S&P/Citi Intl Treasury Bond (IGOV, A+)$5851.24%
Market Vectors Intl High Yield Bond ETF (IHY, A-)$1616.26%
SPDR Barclays International High Yield Bond ETF (IJNK, n/a)$430.50%
iShares Core Long-Term US Bond ETF (ILTB, B-)$394.09%
SPDR Nuveen Barclays Capital NY Muni Bd (INY, A)$254.81%
SPDR Barclays TIPS (IPE, A-)$6231.07%
S&P/Citi 1-3 Yr Intl Treasury Bd (ISHG, A)$1780.18%
Core Short-Term U.S. Bond ETF (ISTB, B-)$1350.63%
SPDR Barclays Intermediate Term Treasury (ITE, A+)$1611.21%
iShares Intnl Inflation-Linked Bond Fund (ITIP, A-)$1121.96%
Market Vectors Intermediate Muni ETF (ITM, A)$6402.50%
SPDR Barclays Cap Interm Term Corp Bnd (ITR, A)$4532.69%
SPDR Barclays High Yield Bond (JNK, A+)$9,7685.33%
SPDR Barclays Aggregate Bond (LAG, B+)$6822.01%
iShares Emerging Markets Local Cur Bond (LEMB, B+)$5992.40%
TCW EM Long Term Investment Grade Bond ETF (LEMF, n/a)$21.25%
iShares iBoxx $ Invest Grade Corp Bond (LQD, A)$17,5513.30%
15+ Year U.S. TIPS Index Fund (LTPZ, C)$761.31%
SPDR Barclays Capital Long CorpTerm Bd (LWC, B+)$1254.12%
iShares Barclays MBS Bond (MBB, A)$5,6621.16%
SPDR Barclays Cap Mortgage Backed Bond (MBG, A)$1151.43%
Newfleet Multi-Sector Income ETF (MINC, C)$1422.67%
Enhanced Short Maturity Strategy Fund (MINT, A+)$3,9170.83%
Market Vectors Long Municipal Index ETF (MLN, B+)$784.06%
iShares s Sector Bond (MONY, B-)$52.71%
iShares 2014 AMT-Free Muni Term ETF (MUAC, B+)$670.53%
iShares 2015 AMT-Free Muni Term ETF (MUAD, B+)$1010.66%
iShares 2016 S&P AMT-Free Municipal Ser (MUAE, A-)$1200.80%
iShares 2017 S&P AMT-Free Municipal Ser (MUAF, B+)$1321.04%
2019 AMT-Free Muni Term ETF (MUAH, n/a)$150.24%
iShares S&P National AMT-Free Muni Bd (MUB, A)$3,2662.67%
PIMCO Intermediate Municipal Bond ETF (MUNI, B-)$2032.10%
iShares S&P NY AMT-Free Municipal Bd (NYF, A+)$1372.68%
PowerShares CEF Income Composite (PCEF, B)$5797.95%
PowerShares Emerging Mkts Sovereign Debt (PCY, A-)$2,0344.34%
Fundamental Emerging Markets Local Debt Portfolio (PFEM, C)$44.34%
Powershares Fundamental Inv Gr Corp Bond (PFIG, B-)$272.26%
PowerShares Global Short Term High Yield Bond Portfolio (PGHY, C+)$303.30%
PowerShares Fundamental High Yld Corp Bd (PHB, B+)$6514.49%
International Corporate Bond Portfolio (PICB, B+)$2312.58%
PowerShares 1-30 Laddered Treasury (PLW, B-)$2562.34%
Market Vectors Pre-Refunded Muni ETF (PRB, B)$351.10%
VRDO Tax Free Weekly Portfolio (PVI, B)$1490.02%
PowerShares Insured California Muni Bond (PWZ, A-)$523.80%
PowerShares Insured National Muni Bond (PZA, A)$6384.12%
PowerShares Insured New York Muni Bond (PZT, A-)$463.87%
iShares Aaa ? A Rated Corporate Bond (QLTA, B+)$4271.97%
iShares Baa ? Ba Rated Corporate Bd (QLTB, B-)$212.29%
iShares B ? Ca Rated Corporate Bond (QLTC, B-)$214.55%
Ready Access Variable Income Fund (RAVI, B+)$680.45%
RiverFront Strategic Income Fund (RIGS, n/a)$2821.50%
db X-trackers Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond Fund (RVNU, n/a)$162.93%
Short-Term U.S. Treasury ETF (SCHO, A)$5190.33%
Schwab U.S. TIPS ETF (SCHP, A)$4400.71%
Intermediate-Term U.S. Treasury ETF (SCHR, A-)$2151.23%
Schwab U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (SCHZ, A-)$6832.00%
SPDR Barclays Capital Short Term Corp Bd (SCPB, A)$3,4461.18%
TCW EM Short Term Investment Grade Bond ETF (SEMF, n/a)$20.30%
SPDR Nuveen Barclays Capital S/T Muni Bd (SHM, A+)$2,1870.86%
1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETF (SHY, A)$7,7480.24%
Market Vectors Short High-Yield Municipal Index ETF (SHYD, n/a)$300.87%
SPDR Barclays 0-5 Years TIPS ETF (SIPE, n/a)$60.41%
SPDR BarCap ST High Yield Bond ETF (SJNK, A)$4,1664.78%
Market Vectors Short Municipal Index ETF (SMB, A)$2431.35%
Short Term Municipal Bond Strategy Fund (SMMU, B)$760.44%
Highland/iBoxx Senior Loan ETF (SNLN, B+)$2115.03%
SPDR GSO Senior Loan ETF (SRLN, B)$6222.65%
SPDR Barclays Short Term Treasury ETF (SST, A)$120.48%
0-5 Year TIPS Bond ETF (STIP, A-)$5510.14%
1-5 Year U.S. TIPS Index Fund (STPZ, B+)$1,3100.09%
Short-Term National AMT-Free Muni Bond ETF (SUB, A)$8500.74%
PIMCO 7-15 Year U.S. Treasury Index ETF (TENZ, C+)$831.97%
SPDR Nuveen Barclays Capital Muni Bond (TFI, A)$1,0212.90%
Treasury Floating Rate Bond ETF (TFLO, n/a)$50.02%
Market Vectors Treasury-Hedged Hi Yld Bd (THHY, C)$104.37%
iShares Barclays TIPS Bond (TIP, A)$12,7840.98%
SPDR Barclays 1-10 Year TIPS ETF (TIPX, n/a)$100.24%
Broad U.S. TIPS Index Fund (TIPZ, B-)$450.69%
iShares Barclays 10-20 Year Treasury Bd (TLH, B-)$2722.06%
SPDR Barclays Capital Long Term Treasury (TLO, B)$602.52%
iShares Barclays 20+ Year Treas Bond (TLT, B-)$4,3782.73%
PIMCO Broad U.S. Treasury Index ETF (TRSY, C+)$81.45%
1-3 Year US Treasury Index Fund (TUZ, A-)$1280.35%
SPDR SSgA Ultra Short Term Bond ETF (ULST, n/a)$140.16%
Vanguard Interm-Tm Corp Bd Idx ETF (VCIT, A)$3,6373.27%
Vanguard Long-Term Corp Bond Idx ETF (VCLT, A-)$8013.68%
Vanguard Short-Term Corp Bd Idx ETF (VCSH, A+)$7,8861.72%
Vanguard Interm-Tm Govt Bd Idx ETF (VGIT, A)$1311.40%
Vanguard Long-Term Govt Bd Idx ETF (VGLT, A-)$782.47%
Short-Term Government Bond Index Fund (VGSH, A)$4270.30%
Vanguard Mortgage-Backed Sec Idx ETF (VMBS, A+)$4191.11%
SPDR Nuveen S&P VRDO Municipal Bond ETF (VRD, B)$60.01%
Emerging Markets Government Bond ETF (VWOB, A-)$1673.03%
SPDR DB Intl Govt Infl-Protected Bond (WIP, A+)$9822.42%
Market Vectors CEF Municipal Income ETF (XMPT, C+)$355.66%
SPDR BofA ML Crossover Corp Bond ETF (XOVR, B)$293.88%


Vi har identifierat närmare två dussin ETFer med månatlig utdelning som har fokus på aktier.

ETFAssets (Millions)Yield
WisdomTree SmallCap Dividend (DES, A-)$1,0362.35%
WisdomTree U.S. SmallCap Dividend Growth Fund (DGRS, n/a)$240.65%
WisdomTree US Dividend Growth Fund (DGRW, n/a)$1121.32%
WisdomTree Equity Income (DHS, A-)$8402.78%
SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average (DIA, A)$11,0302.11%
Global X SuperDividend US ETF (DIV, C)$955.72%
WisdomTree LargeCap Dividend (DLN, A)$1,8242.16%
WisdomTree MidCap Dividend (DON, A)$1,0542.12%
WisdomTree Total Dividend (DTD, A-)$4232.17%
WisdomTree Dividend ex-s (DTN, A-)$1,1452.52%
UBS E-TRACS Mo Pay 2x DJ Select Div ETN (DVYL, A)$186.52%
iShares MSCI All Peru Capped Index (EPU, A-)$2161.79%
S&P Financial Select Sector Covered Call ETF (HFIN, n/a)$41.33%
Horizons S&P 500 Covered Call ETF (HSPX, n/a)$272.97%
iShares MSCI Colombia Capped ETF (ICOL, n/a)$242.17%
PowerShares KBW Hi Div Yield (KBWD, A-)$2437.66%
PowerShares Hi-Yield Eq Div Achievers (PEY, B)$3963.36%
Global X SuperDividend ETF (SDIV, A-)$9576.12%
UBS E-TRACS Mo Pay 2x S&P Dividend ETN (SDYL, A)$195.16%
PowerShares S&P 500 High Div Portfolio (SPHD, B+)$1663.47%
PowerShares S&P 500 Low Volatility (SPLV, A-)$3,9252.50%


En mycket sällsynt företeelse, finns det för närvarande två ETFer med månatlig utdelning som är råvarufonder. Dessa använder unika strategier för att betala en utdelning till sina ägare, men inkonsekvensen av nämnda utbetalningar gör det omöjligt att lista en korrekt årsavkastning:

ETFAssets (Millions)Yield
Credit Suisse Gold Shrs Cov Call Exc ETN (GLDI, n/a)$34n/a
Credit Suisse Silver Shares Cov Call ETN (SLVO, n/a)$26n/a


Fastigheter, preferensaktier, och multi-asset ETFer har också en betydande andel av ETFer med månatlig utdelning.

ETFAssets (Millions)Yield
iShares S&P Conservative Allocation (AOK, A)$1661.68%
Global X Canada Preferred ETF (CNPF, C)$620.75%
ETRACS Diversified High Income ETN (DVHI, n/a)$263.94%
ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Diversified High Income ETN (DVHL, n/a)$273.66%
First Trust Preferred Sec & Inc ETF (FPE, C+)$586.06%
Arrow Dow Jones Global Yield ETF (GYLD, B+)$1356.01%
iShares S&P Intl Preferred Stock Index (IPFF, B-)$346.04%
iShares Morningstar Multi-Asset Income (IYLD, A)$1365.41%
PowerShares KBW Prem Yield Equity REIT (KBWY, A-)$821.63%
First Trust Multi-Asset Div Income Index (MDIV, A+)$6335.69%
UBS E-TRACS Mthly Pay 2x Mortg REIT ETN (MORL, n/a)$2283.82%
iShares S&P U.S. Preferred Stock Index (PFF, A+)$9,8476.12%
Market Vectors Pref Secs ex Fincls ETF (PFXF, B+)$1686.18%
PowerShares Financial Preferred (PGF, A-)$1,4295.53%
PowerShares Preferred (PGX, A)$2,1597.05%
UBS E-TRACS Mo Pay 2x DJ Intl Rl Est ETN (RWXL, A-)$157.50%
Global X SuperIncome Preferred ETF (SPFF, B)$1041.56%
iShares S&P Target Date Retirement Inc (TGR, A)$155.80%
iShares S&P Target Date 2010 (TZD, B+)$94.44%
International Multi-Asset Diversified Income Index Fund (YDIV, n/a)$74.46%
YieldShares High Income ETF (YYY, B+)$425.86%

Har vi missat någon ETF? Låt oss få reda på om Du anser att det finns en eller flera börshandlade fonder som borde finnas med på listan.

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EL4P ETF investerar i medellånga europeiska statsobligationer



Deka iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereign Diversified 7-10 UCITS ETF (EL4P ETF) investerar i statsobligationer med fokus på Europa. Obligationernas löptider är mellan 7-10 år. De underliggande obligationerna har Investment Grade-betyg. ETF:en har en valutaexponering i EUR. Ränteintäkterna (kuponger) i fonden delas ut till investerarna (kvartalsvis).

Deka iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereign Diversified 7-10 UCITS ETF (EL4P ETF) investerar i statsobligationer med fokus på Europa. Obligationernas löptider är mellan 7-10 år. De underliggande obligationerna har Investment Grade-betyg. ETFen har en valutaexponering i EUR. Ränteintäkterna (kuponger) i fonden delas ut till investerarna (kvartalsvis).

Den totala kostnadskvoten uppgår till 0,15 % p.a. Fonden replikerar resultatet för det underliggande indexet genom att köpa alla indexbeståndsdelar (full replikering). Deka iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereign Diversified 7-10 UCITS ETF är en mycket liten ETF med tillgångar på 14 miljoner euro under förvaltning. ETFen är äldre än 5 år och har sin hemvist i Tyskland.


Fondens mål är att följa utvecklingen av iBoxx € Liquid Sovereign Diversified 7-10 Index (Prisindex). iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereign Diversified-index är baserade uteslutande på obligationer som ingår i universum av iBoxx EUR-referensindex. För att säkerställa att endast lämpliga obligationer kommer in i de likvida indexen har ytterligare urvalskriterier lagts till: obligationstyp, tid till förfall och utestående belopp. Det maximala antalet obligationer i varje index är begränsat till 25 stycken.


Deka iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereign Diversified 7-10 UCITS ETF strävar efter att spåra iBoxx® EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 7-10-index. Indexet iBoxx® EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 7-10 följer de 25 mest likvida euro-denominerade statsobligationerna utgivna av regeringar i euroområdet. Tid till mognad: 7-10 år. Maxvikt per land: 4 obligationer respektive 20 procent.

Handla EL4P ETF

Deka iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereign Diversified 7-10 UCITS ETF (EL4P ETF) är en europeisk börshandlad fond. Denna fond handlas på flera olika börser, till exempel Deutsche Boerse Xetra.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel DEGIRONordnet, Aktieinvest och Avanza.


Stuttgart Stock ExchangeEUREL4P

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G20 summit in Rio: Lula enhances Brazil’s international reputation



From 18 to 19 November 2024, Brazil will host the G20 summit in Rio for the first time as the focus of the world's most important platform for global economic cooperation.

From 18 to 19 November 2024, Brazil will host the G20 summit in Rio for the first time as the focus of the world’s most important platform for global economic cooperation.

The coalition, which includes the USA, China, India, the E U and, most recently, the African Union, represents the world’s most important economies, which, according to OECD figures, account for around 80 per cent of global gross domestic product, 75 per cent of world trade and two thirds of the world’s population.

Since Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Lula) took up his third uninterrupted term of office at the beginning of 2023, he has spent a lot of time abroad to improve his country’s image in the world. His efforts could pay off. A recent Pew Research survey found that most Brazilian adults are optimistic about their country’s status as an international power.

In addition to the G20, Brazil is also set to host other high-profile events such as the UN Climate Change Conference (COP30) and the BRICS summit (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in 2025, while also seeking membership of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

In the almost three years since Brazil initiated its formal accession process for OECD membership, the country has achieved many milestones on the road to this goal. If successful, Brazil would be in a unique position to influence the increasing geopolitical and economic competition between industrialised and developing countries, as it is the only country to be represented in the BRICS, the G20 and the OECD simultaneously.

As the eighth largest economy in the world and the largest economy in Latin America, Brazil could be a strong link in the global discourse on key issues for the Global South (according to UN Trade and Development, the Global South essentially comprises Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia excluding Israel, Japan and South Korea, and Oceania excluding Australia and New Zealand).

These issues include, above all, the fight against hunger, poverty and inequality, sustainable development and the reform of global governance. If Brazil is able to achieve political and financial commitments to progress on priorities such as digital infrastructure, this could lead not only to an increase in Brazil’s GDP, but also to a narrowing of the economic and urban-rural divide and a reduction in gender inequality. Consider that the introduction of a relatively new instant money transfer platform operated by the central bank, known as Pix, has already promoted financial inclusion and increased access to banking services from around 70 per cent of the population to more than 84 per cent (source: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace).

We expect that an OECD seal of approval for Brazil will also encourage global investors seeking the assurance of the Coalition’s high standards for the ease of doing business. A seat at the table would give Brazil a stronger voice in shaping best practices and global frameworks for rapidly evolving technology standards. Brazilian companies specialising in artificial intelligence and financial technology are already among the largest in South America.

As the largest oil producer in Latin America, resource-rich Brazil is a leader in the energy sector, as it is one of the ten largest oil producers in the world (according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Brazil produced 4 per cent of the world’s total oil production at the end of 2023). However, the country’s largest sector is finance, with a weighting of more than 36 per cent according to the MSCI Brazil Index.

Central bank in interest rate hike mode

High government spending continues to be a major problem. In our opinion, any reduction in this spending would give the country’s capital markets cause for optimism. Meanwhile, Brazil is an exception to the global trend of falling interest rates: In September, Brazil’s central bank raised interest rates to curb inflationary pressures. The market expects the Brazilian real to remain stable or appreciate slightly in the near future, partly due to falling US interest rates. We see this as a potential advantage for foreign investors in Brazil.

It is also encouraging to see that progress is being made on Brazil’s long-awaited VAT reform, which could further boost the private sector as efficiency gains from a simpler tax system would favour investment.

Growth in Brazil’s manufacturing and services sectors accelerated in September as output in both sectors increased, indicating strong growth in economic activity. In addition, the Brazilian market is currently trading at valuations that we consider favourable. Improved conditions in Brazil’s manufacturing sector have been driven by a resurgence in production, stronger job creation and a pick-up in sales growth, according to S&P Global. At the end of September, Brazil’s Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index was surpassed only by India, rising to 53.2 (from 50.4 in August; readings above 50 indicate expansion).

Chart 1: Brazilian Purchasing Managers’ Index

Source: FactSet, Markit Economics

Expectations are also high that Brazil will experience an economic boost in 2027, having won the historic bid to host the FIFA Women’s World Cup – a first not only for Brazil, but for the whole of South America.

Over the near term, we believe investors should stay attuned to the opportunities in Brazil and may find what we consider an attractive entry point into this large and diverse market.

Chart 2: The valuations of Latin American equities look favourable

Attractive valuations compared to industrialised countries, emerging markets and own history

Chart 3: Latin American equities offer high dividends

High dividend yield compared to industrialised countries, emerging markets and own history

From Dina Ting, Head of Global Index Portfolio Management at Franklin Templeton

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BlackRock introducerar ny ETF för att anpassa exponeringen mot amerikanska storbolag



Den nya ETFen, iShares S&P 500 Top 20 UCITS ETF, ger en utökad granulär tillgång till amerikanska företag. De senaste årens ökande framträdande av megabolagsaktier understryker möjligheten för europeiska investerare att förbättra sättet att fånga tillväxten hos några av världens mest välkända företag. Idag tillkännagav BlackRock lanseringen av en ny ETF för att ge europeiska investerare en enkel lösning för att uttrycka mer detaljerade åsikter om de största företagen som är noterade i USA.

Den nya ETFen, iShares S&P 500 Top 20 UCITS ETF, ger en utökad granulär tillgång till amerikanska företag. De senaste årens ökande framträdande av megabolagsaktier understryker möjligheten för europeiska investerare att förbättra sättet att fånga tillväxten hos några av världens mest välkända företag. Idag tillkännagav BlackRock lanseringen av en ny ETF för att ge europeiska investerare en enkel lösning för att uttrycka mer detaljerade åsikter om de största företagen som är noterade i USA.

Den amerikanska kapitalmarknaden har genomgått en betydande omvandling under de senaste två decennierna, men det finns begränsade nya lösningar för att hjälpa investerare att bättre hantera sin marknadsvärdesexponering. År 2000 värderades hela den amerikanska aktiemarknaden till 15 biljoner dollar. Snabbspola fram till idag är de största åtta företagen bara värda 15 biljoner dollar. Ännu viktigare är att de 20 största företagen i S&P 500-indexet har bidragit med mer än två tredjedelar (68 %) av indexets avkastning under de senaste tre åren, vilket visar deras förmåga att driva överdimensionerad avkastning på aktiemarknaden.

Brett Pybus, chef för iShares EMEA Product Strategy sa: ”Nu är det dags för investerare att ompröva sin marknadsexponering. Med denna ETF kan europeiska investerare nu utnyttja kraften i tillväxt och innovation inom de största amerikanska företagen på ett riktat sätt. Prestationsspridningen inom S&P 500 har skapat ett behov av exakt exponering mot amerikanska aktier.”

Möjligheten att enkelt få tillgång till eller anpassa exponeringen för amerikanska börsvärden i en ETF är relevant för olika typer av investerare – inklusive förstagångsinvesterare, portföljbyggare, institutionella investerare och finansiella rådgivare.

iShares S&P 500 Top 20 UCITS ETF  SP200.20%De 20 största amerikanska företag inom sektorer som teknik, konsumentvaror, kommunikation, hälsovård och finansiella tjänstesektorer

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