
Den snabbaste växande trenden inom ETF-industrin



ISE´s Kris Monaco berättar hur ETF-industrin har förändrats, hur helat ETF-sektorn står inför ett paradigmskifte genom att en helt ny typ av aktör gör sig beredd på att äntra marknaden. Lyssna på hur Kris Monaco berättar om den snabbaste växande trenden inom ETF-industrin.

ISE’s Kris Monaco discusses how the ETF market has expanded and points to the ETF industry’s biggest upcoming change by way of a new entrant into the space.

Kris Monaco is the former head of ISE ETF Ventures at the International Securities Exchange.

He left the exchange when ISE was bought by Nasdaq in 2016.

In his role at the ISE, Monaco was responsible for ETF product strategy and development, including over ETFs, ETNs, grantor trusts, commodity pools and other structures.

Monaco previously served as director of business development of the Arizona Stock Exchange. He was also a senior project manager with Hayden Wegman Inc.

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