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Agriculture stocks on the cusp of recovery



ETF Securities Equity Research - Agriculture stocks on the cusp of recovery Decline in overall production expenses (-2%) to cushion the fall in cash receipts

ETF Securities Equity Research – Agriculture stocks on the cusp of recovery


  • Decline in overall production expenses (-2%) to cushion the fall in cash receipts
  • The expected increase in direct US government farm program payments in 2016 will benefit producers
  • The weaker US dollar will benefit US agricultural exports providing a strong catalyst for US farm income
  • The uptick in profitability coupled with the rising sentiment indicator appears favourable for agricultural producers

Farm income outlook less bearish

A sustained period of high crop prices from 2008 to 2012 led to a bout of investment by agricultural producers, since then falling soft commodity prices have revealed high debt loads and narrowing margins. However the drop in input expenses coupled with a turnaround in sentiment is painting a more optimistic picture for agricultural producers heading into 2016.

Our analysis focusses on the S-net ITG agriculture index, which is diversified across Seeds Chemicals & Fertilizers (53%), Commodity Agricultural Products (30%), Equipment (13%) and Livestock (3%) with 70% of the constituents from the United States.

In the latest farm income outlook released by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), US net farm income, a key indicator of U.S. farm well-being, is forecast to decline by 3% in 2016. While this will be the third consecutive year in decline, it is not as severe as the declines of -27% and -38% witnessed in the prior years 2014 and 2015 respectively. Cash receipts are forecast to fall 2.5%, falling prices being the key contributor to this price fall as highlighted in the accompanying chart.

Global nitrogen fertilizer supply is poised to grow as cheap energy prices fuel production increases, providing a boost to their bottom line. Although it is worth noting that the recent squeeze on farmers margins does not eliminate the risk of farmers skipping application of fertiliser or shifting acreage from chemical intensive corn to other crops. We believe the fall in fertiliser costs is likely to benefit both fertiliser producers and farmers.


(Click to enlarge) Source: USDA, Economic Research Service, Farm income and wealth statistics, ETF Securities

Lower expenses buffer slide in cash receipts

Overall farm production expenses are forecast (USDA) to decline for the second consecutive year. Occurrences of multiyear reductions in farm production expenses are rare, the last time being 1984-86. This drop in expenses for inputs such as feed, livestock/ poultry purchases and fuel are forecast to outweigh the increase in interest expenses and hired labour costs thereby alleviating falling cash receipts. More importantly input costs (currently in 2nd year of decline) tend to lag behind commodity price swings (that have been in decline for 4 years).


(Click to enlarge) Source: USDA, Economic Research Service, Farm income and wealth statistics, ETF Securities

In addition, US farmers are poised to benefit from a 31.4% ($13.9bn) increase in direct government farm payments in 2016. The 2014 farm bill eliminated direct payments worth $5bn annually and replaced them with a net suite of safety net programs that will be triggered in 2016 if farm prices continue to fall.

Lower US dollar to benefit exports

Agricultural exports have been a major catalyst for the strong U.S. farm income in prior years, accounting for more than 30% of gross cash farm income. As majority of commodities are priced in US dollars, the appreciation of the dollar against the local currency of non-US growers has made the commodities more expensive for the foreign based buyer. Although its difficult to quantify just how much buyers have been sourcing lower cost soft commodities we have seen anecdotal evidence of this behaviour. For example, Brazil’s soya bean exports surpassing US soya bean exports in 2015 are likely due to the Brazilian Real’s depreciation. We expect a continuation of US Dollar weakness in 2016 benefitting farm income which has been squeezed by recent USD strength.

Outlook for Agricultural commodities

The correlation of agricultural producers with livestock, grains and softs has depicted a cyclical relation over time. Current correlation with livestock remains high at 80%, followed by grains at 64% and lower for softs at 30%.


(click to enlarge)

Livestock related commodities account for approximately half of the farmer’s cash receipts while the other half comes from crops (namely corn), so farm income would benefit if these specific commodities rise.

  • Livestock sector ended 2015 as the worst performer among agricultural commodities despite the impact of avian influenza, market prices are expected lower in 2016 according to USDA.
  • The price outlook for grains – namely corn, wheat and soya bean prices remain subdued since their inventory levels remain are at record highs.
  • Sugar prices are expected higher owing to the reduced sugar supply from Brazil and India driving expectations for a larger world market deficit in 2015/16.
  • Dry conditions emanating from the El Nino coupled with a rebound in the real is lending buoyancy to Arabica coffee prices in 2016.
  • Cocoa is forecasted to be in a supply deficit in 2016.
  • While cotton has been negatively impacted from lower import demand into China, the crop is expected to remain in a deficit this year.

Shift in sentiment signals an opportunity

Despite the pessimism surrounding the agriculture industry, agricultural producers are currently trading at 20x earnings and 3x book value, in line with their respective 10-year average. Profitability of these companies has been volatile given their exposure to the vagaries of the weather. We are currently in one of the most extreme El Niño events on record, dating back to 1950. According to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, out of the past 26 El Niño events since 1900 approximately 40% have been followed by a La Niña. If this came to pass, wheat, corn, soybeans, coffee and cocoa will benefit from favourable weather thereby negatively impacting prices while sugar prices will benefit on the upside.

Net profit margins have been in a downward trend since the slump in commodity prices ensued in 2011 but the last quarter in 2015 has seen an uptick of 3.1% over the prior year. Net debt to assets remains high at 31x. USDA has reported growth in farm real estate loan volumes throughout 2015, commercial banks and the farm credit system has remained cooperative and credit to the sector has not been curtailed until now.

Our sentiment indicator (based on consensus data) has been rising since 2014, highlighting a renewed sign of optimism in holding agriculture producer stocks.


(Click to enlarge)  Source: Bloomberg, ETF Securities

In summary we believe agricultural producers are modestly valued, with profitability starting to turn the corner in-line with shifting positive sentiment. Despite the pessimism that permeates through the farming industry, farm income credit has not been curtailed. While net farm income is forecast to decline for the third consecutive year, the lag in declining expenses is expected to catch up and help alleviate the decline. 2016 has seen a positive turnaround for majority of commodities and is lending support for the price outlook of agricultural commodities.

Important Information


This communication has been issued and approved for the purpose of section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 by ETF Securities (UK) Limited (“ETFS UK”) which is authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”).

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Vanguard lanserar sina första börshandlade fonder på två år



Sedan i torsdags har fyra nya börshandlade fonder utgivna av Vanguard kunnat handlas på Xetra och via Börse Frankfurt. Det är fyra ränte-ETFer från Vanguard som ger tillgång till kortfristiga företags- och statsobligationer i euro. Det lär ligga två nya börshandlade fonder i lanseringsfas, en utdelande och en ackumulerande variant av Vanguard Global Government Bond UCITS ETF.

Sedan i torsdags har fyra nya börshandlade fonder utgivna av Vanguard kunnat handlas på Xetra och via Börse Frankfurt. Det är fyra ränte-ETFer från Vanguard som ger tillgång till kortfristiga företags- och statsobligationer i euro. Det lär ligga två nya börshandlade fonder i lanseringsfas, en utdelande och en ackumulerande variant av Vanguard Global Government Bond UCITS ETF.

Vanguard EUR Eurozone Government 1-3 Year Bond UCITS ETF ger investerare tillgång till en portfölj av räntebärande, eurodenominerade statsobligationer utgivna av EU-medlemsstaternas regeringar. Obligationerna har ett utestående nominellt värde på minst 300 miljoner euro, en löptid mellan ett och tre år och vanligtvis ett investment grade rating.

Vanguard EUR Corporate 1-3 Year UCITS ETF investerar i eurodenominerade ränteföretagsobligationer med ett utestående nominellt värde på minst 500 miljoner euro. Obligationerna har en löptid på mellan ett år och tre år och är i allmänhet investment grade.

Båda fonderna är tillgängliga i de ackumulerande och utdelande andelsklasserna.

Vanguard EUR Eurozone Government 1-3 Year Bond UCITS ETF EUR AccumulatingVEGFIE00004S26800,07 %AckumulerandeBloomberg Euro-Aggregate: Treasury – 1-3 Year Index
Vanguard EUR Eurozone Government 1-3 Year Bond UCITS ETF EUR DistributingVEGEIE000HARFTG30,07 %UtdelandeBloomberg Euro-Aggregate: Treasury – 1-3 Year Index
Vanguard EUR Corporate 1-3 Year UCITS ETF EUR AccumulatingVGCFIE00BH04FZ000,09 %AckumulerandeBloomberg Euro Corporate 500 1-3Y Index
Vanguard EUR Corporate 1-3 Year UCITS ETF EUR DistributingVGCEIE00BDD48S370,09 %UtdelandeBloomberg Euro Corporate 500 1-3Y Index

Produktutbudet i Deutsche Börses XTF-segment omfattar för närvarande totalt 2 382 ETFer. Med detta urval och en genomsnittlig månatlig handelsvolym på cirka 18 miljarder euro är Xetra den ledande handelsplatsen för ETFer i Europa.

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Krypto-ETN från 21Shares ger tillgång till både Bitcoin och Ethereum



En ny krypto-ETN utgivet av 21Shares har varit möjlig att handla på Xetra och Börse Frankfurt sedan i onsdags.

En ny krypto-ETN utgivet av 21Shares har varit möjlig att handla på Xetra och Börse Frankfurt sedan i onsdags.

21Shares Bitcoin Ethereum Core ETP erbjuder investerare enkel och effektiv tillgång till prestanda för en kryptokorg bestående av de två kryptovalutorna Bitcoin (BTC) och Ethereum (ETH). Viktningen av de två kryptotillgångarna baseras på deras nuvarande börsvärde och justeras månadsvis.
Denna krypto-ETN är 100 procent säkrad av de underliggande tillgångarna BTC och ETH.

Handla 21XA

21Shares Bitcoin Suisse Index ETP (21XA) är en europeisk börshandlad kryptovaluta som handlas på bland annat Deutsche Boerse Xetra.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETP genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel  Nordnet, SAVR, DEGIRO och Avanza.

21Shares Bitcoin Ethereum Core ETP21XACH04964846400,49Bitcoin + Ethereum

Produktutbudet inom Deutsche Börses ETF & ETP-segment omfattar för närvarande totalt 2 378 ETFer, 198 ETCer och 254 ETNer. Med detta urval och en genomsnittlig månatlig handelsvolym på mer än €19 miljarder är Xetra den ledande handelsplatsen för ETFer och ETPer i Europa.

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WGRU ETF köper kvalitativa utdelningsaktier



WisdomTree Global Quality Dividend Growth UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc (WGRU ETF) med ISIN IE0007M3MLF3, försöker spåra WisdomTree Global Developed Quality Dividend Growth (EUR Hedged)-index. WisdomTree Global Developed Quality Dividend Growth (EUR Hedged)-index spårar utdelningsbetalande aktier på utvecklade marknader med tillväxtegenskaper. Aktierna som ingår filtreras enligt ESG-kriterier (miljö, social och bolagsstyrning). Indexet är ett fundamentalt viktat index. Valutasäkrad till euro (EUR).

WisdomTree Global Quality Dividend Growth UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc (WGRU ETF) med ISIN IE0007M3MLF3, försöker spåra WisdomTree Global Developed Quality Dividend Growth (EUR Hedged)-index. WisdomTree Global Developed Quality Dividend Growth (EUR Hedged)-index spårar utdelningsbetalande aktier på utvecklade marknader med tillväxtegenskaper. Aktierna som ingår filtreras enligt ESG-kriterier (miljö, social och bolagsstyrning). Indexet är ett fundamentalt viktat index. Valutasäkrad till euro (EUR).

Den börshandlade fondens TER (total cost ratio) uppgår till 0,43 % p.a. WisdomTree Global Quality Dividend Growth UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc är den enda ETF som följer WisdomTree Global Developed Quality Dividend Growth (EUR Hedged) index. ETFen replikerar det underliggande indexets prestanda genom samplingsteknik (köper ett urval av de mest relevanta indexbeståndsdelarna). Utdelningarna i ETFen ackumuleras och återinvesteras.

WisdomTree Global Quality Dividend Growth UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc är en mycket liten ETF med 4 miljoner euro under förvaltning. Denna ETF lanserades den 20 mars 2023 och har sin hemvist i Irland.

Fonden strävar efter att spåra pris- och avkastningsutvecklingen, före avgifter och utgifter, för WisdomTree Global Developed Quality Dividend Growth Index. Andelsklassen strävar efter att leverera exponering mot indexet samtidigt som den neutraliserar exponeringen mot fluktuationer i euron genom att implementera en valutasäkringsmetod. Läs mer om indexet som GGRE är designat för att spåra.

Varför investera?

  • Få tillgång till högkvalitativa, utdelningsväxande företag från globala utvecklade marknader som uppfyller WisdomTrees ESG-kriterier (environmental, social and governance)
  • Dra nytta av riskscreening för att utesluta företag baserat på egenutvecklade kvalitet och momentum
  • Direktavkastning och inkomstpotential kan vara högre än ett börsvärdesindex
  • Använd som ett komplement till globala högavkastande utdelningsstrategier eller som en ersättning för aktiva tillväxt- eller kvalitetsstrategier med stora bolag
  • Valutavolatiliteten minimeras genom användning av valutaterminskontrakt
  • ETFen är fysiskt uppbackad och UCITS-kompatibel


WisdomTree Global Quality Dividend Growth UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Acc (WGRU ETF) är en europeisk börshandlad fond. Denna fond handlas på flera olika börser, till exempel Deutsche Boerse Xetra och Borsa Italiana.

Det betyder att det går att handla andelar i denna ETF genom de flesta svenska banker och Internetmäklare, till exempel  Nordnet, SAVR, DEGIRO och Avanza.


Borsa ItalianaEURGGRE

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